18. Talk

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"I love you"

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"I love you"

S A V A N N A H:

"Feels like we haven't seen each other in forever" I search his eyes

"Yeah" he looks away and I frown

After the talk I had with my sisters I decided I needed to start acting like an adult and talk.

First with Dave, then with everyone else.

I had ask Dave to meet me after school at Shane's apartment. Luckily for us, Shane is spending the night with some girl he met a few weeks ago.

"We need to talk" I say to break the now awkward silence between us.

"Aren't we talking?" He says back with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I don't understand his attitude. I don't understand why he's acting like a child. Why he's acting like I'm some stranger he knocked up.

"No,no. I mean like a serious talk. About everything. The baby, us, me, you"

He nods his head telling me to go on. I take a deep breath in. "I decided" I pause looking at him. "I decided that I want to keep the baby"

He shakes his head and chuckles darkly. "You serious? What the fuck for?"

I pull back my head in shock. "Because I feel like the baby can bring me happiness. Happiness I've never felt before"

He scrunches up his face "so what? I can't make you happy? Shane can't? You're sisters can't? Hm?"

"You haven't been making me happy recently" I say the truth looking down

"You real funny ma. We are so good right now. We, I mean I don't need a child right now." He shakes his head again

"Okay" I start "but I don't care what you need. I'm keeping the baby. You don't have to be in it's life if you don't want. I'm not forcing you" a tear slips from my eye but before I can wipe it away Dave already sees it

He lets out a breath. "You know I ain't gonna leave you alone wit a baby"

I look at him confused. "Dave, stop it please. I don't know what you want. You been ignoring me for these past weeks. Barely talking or looking at me. And don't think I forgot about that bitch on the phone. What happened to us? Everything was so good" a few tears slipped out again

"It was good before you got knocked up" he says bluntly

"You're such an asshole, you know that? You're acting like it's my fault. Like I decided to get pregnant!"

"I don't even know what you want me to say. You get mad when I say not to keep it. Then you get mad when I say I'm not gonna leave you alone to raise the baby. Like fuck! What do you want me to do?" He raises his voice

"I want you to just accept my decision and not just say things to make me happy. I want you to be honest. And I understand you don't wanna be a dad, I'm not forcing you. But what you're not going to do is force me to have an abortion. It's not your choice, even if you are the father." I say firmly

"Alright, alright" he puts his hands up defensively. "You want me to be honest? I will. I don't think you're ready to be a mother. I think you're rushing into this because you feel like your life is falling apart and a fucking Baby is gonna magically fix it. But sure keep it. I'm gonna be here witchu though because I ain't no bum ass nigga like my pops. I'm not a little bitch who leaves their girl because they knocked them up. I'll stay witchu, even if I know you ain't ready. Because at the end of the day that is mine. And I ain't go let another nigga take my place. If being a pops means staying with you then aight ma because I fucking love you"

I asked him to honest and he was. He loves me? He sure wasn't acting like it. I still have my doubts though. I can't help it. I don't feel loved by him. I feel like he is just saying that to get back with me and into my pants. If he loved me he would've listen to me at first instead of ignoring me. If he loved me he wouldn't have had another girl calling him back to bed. If he loved me he would have treated me better.

But I'm stupid. Because I love him. I don't want to but I do. I can't help but go back to him even if there's a bunch of in answered questions swarming my mind constantly about him.

"I love you too" I flash a partially fake smile at him.

He pulls me to him and kisses me deeply for the first time in a while. It feels nice. I feel wanted.

As he goes down to my neck I push him off softly. "We need to tell Shane and everyone"

"I know baby" he hums still kissing my neck.

"I already told my sisters"

That makes him stop. He looks at me. "What they say?"

"They were fine with it. A little shocked but they accepted my decision"

"Good. It's good you get to talk to your sisters like that. How they understand you and shit" he nods

Unlike you.

"Yeah I appreciate them"

"But when we gon tell everyone else?" He questions

"Soon, like soon soon. What about at the barbecue at lanas. Everyone's going to be there" I suggest but his eyes widen.

"Tomorrow? Isn't that too soon ma?"

"No, no. I finally wanna let this big secret off my chest. If I don't do it tomorrow I don't know when I'm ever going to do it" I say honestly.

Tomorrow is a great chance to tell our secret. Plus hopefully since there will be people there Shane won't react horribly

"You'll move in with me right? Since we gon be raising a baby and shit"

"Uh" I think for a moment. Should I move in with him? Is it moving too fast? Shit I'm already pregnant so nothing can be too soon. He looks at me for an answer.

"Yes, I move in with you" I softly smile and he grins widely grabbing my cheeks and kissing me hard.

What a stupid stupid girl I am.


How was this chapter?

What do you think of Savannah moving in with Dave?

Do you think she made the right decision forgiving Dave right away?

How do you think Shane and the others will react to the news?

I would love to hear any opinions/ suggestions you have

Love you guys lots!💗

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