1. You aint my dad

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"Be careful"

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"Be careful"

S A V A N N A H:

Growing up as the youngest of four children isn't always easy. Everyone can't get over the fact that you're growing up. They'll always think of me as the baby of the family. Well, at least for my family.

Shane, my brother who is four years older than me is 23.He's the type of guy who can make you fall in love with him without him even trying. He can make you laugh just like that. Sometimes I get jealous how good he is with people. Seems like the only flaw he has is he was always considered the bad kid. He would sneak out, do drugs and drink.

Layla, my second oldest sister is 26. I guess you can say she's more on the nicer side because she's a nurse. She truly cares about people and wants to help out whenever she can. She's what I strive to be. She has her whole life together.

Lastly is my oldest sister Lana and her husband Chase. Now Lana is the type of girl to smile in your face but then talk about you after you leave. We don't get along as much as I would like to because I can't stand her fake ass. And chase well he's chase. He's been apart of the family as long as I can remember and he's like a brother to me.

As for my parents, they're the kind of parents who should've gotten a divorce ages ago but refuses because they have kids. My mom is a hard worker who always wants the best for me and my Dad is a drunk who is way too strict with everything I do.

Now I truly can't tell you when my dad and I stopped getting along. I can remember when I used to be his "little princess" then one day all that stopped. He stopped asking how my day was and started asking for money for the bills. He stopped saying goodnight and started saying I better not be late for work.

And I try and try to satisfy him but he never seems happy. I go to college and work every single day. I always give money to help out with the bills and I cook and clean when I have time. But he's never pleased

It's like he wants me working non stop and it's exhausting.

But I always keep a smile on my face, I have to.

Walking home from the bus stop is the only time I really get to think by myself. No one telling me what to do. Just me.

There's a cool breeze but it's comfortable enough for me to be just in a sweater and jeans

Turning around the corner I can see the perfect view of my house. I can already see my siblings and their friends chilling in the front

Everyone always comes to our parents house to chill because they always cook, plus we have an house so it's an automatic hang out place.

"Yooooo Savvy, I haven't seen you in a minute" I hear Chase say as I walking closer to the house and everyone turns to me.

"Ayyye whats up" I smile and hug him

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