23. The n word

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9 Years Ago:S A V A N N A H:

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

9 Years Ago:
S A V A N N A H:

"Guess what we did today at school?" I eagerly say to my 14 year old brother.

He sighs "what did you do?" I knew he didn't really care.

"We read a story about Rosa parks and then we had to write this thing called a writing response to it"

"Oh wow" he mumbles looking both ways as we cross the street.

Everyday Shane has to come pick me up from school. He didn't exactly enjoy it but I didn't mind as long as I got to spend time with him.

He's going through this phase where he's too busy for everyone. He only talks to his friends and stays in his room.

I remember the times before when we used to play games. When we used to make forts and spend the whole night in them. But I guess things change.

"I wanna be like Rosa parks when I grow up" I say.

She's incredible

"Walk faster man" he grabs my arm and pulling me to walk faster completely ignoring what I just said

I frown "I'm trying! You're walking too fast" I complain

"Yeah because I wanna drop you off so I can leave before dad gets back from work"

"Why don't you like daddy?" I didn't understand. They would always scream and shout at each other.

"Because he doesn't like me"

"What do you mean? Of course he likes you. He's your dad too! He loves all of us" I try to convince him.

That's his son, of course he loves Shane!

"You mean he loves you.Now shut up and walk" he brushes me off

From the elementary to my house was about a 20 minute walk. Unfortunately the school still claims that we are still too close to be provided with transportation. So in the mornings my mom walks me and Shane walks me in the afternoon.

"Keep walking don't say anything" Shane says leaning close to me.

I look around confused until I see a group of men walking our way. They were covered in tattoos. One man stops directly infront of us

"Yo Shane." The man says. He's wearing black jeans and a red shirt. He has gold chains hanging down his neck and rings all over his fingers.

How does he know my brother?

"Wassup man" he does this weird handshake to the guy

"And who are you?" He bends down to my eye level

I look to Shane. He said not to say anything

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