A harsh hand clutched my hair making me scream for life. I was pulled out of the room and i was been thrown in the main hall of my small house. There were two people. One who held me the other one standing in front of me. I was about to run but a hand held my hair yet again tight. 

"Leave me..." i begged them while they laughed mockingly. I held my hand holding his hand which was holding my hair tight. He came to me and smelled me making me cringe in disgust. A hand held my stomach where i wrapped Vamsi in it. 

I left my hand from Kalia's hand i made a protective shield for my Vamsi. Who knows they might even eat him. Until i am alive i will take care of him. He shook my hair making me cry in pain. The other Kalia pulled Vamsi from my hold. 

"Leave him you pathetic Kalia's " i yelled at them. Before i can even blink one Kalia fell down. I blinked and saw what happened ? 

Was my appa back to me ?

But the figure behind the falling Kalia made me gasp in surprise. It was none other than the virahi who stole my mother's chain. "Vihari ?" i whispered. He nodded his head and before he can speak anything the one who held me rushed to him. I took this as a time to run for my life. 

"Run for your life little one. I will stop this. Your father is in the main street. Run faster." he said making me stumble on the sand floor. I pulled Vamsi to me and rushed to the main street where everything was burnt. 

Their screams were now really audible and the heat emitting from the fire was making the coldest night to sweat. Holding Vamsi to me i ran to see where my appa was. When i neared the main street many where trying to stop the fire by pouring the water from their pots. The Kalias has done their damages and now our village is been destroyed. I thought they left but why should i be so wrong all the time. A sudden scream made me turn to my left. They were just there waiting for us to come out so that they can destroy every one in the village. 

"Vaidharbhiii..." i heard a call for me. My eyes widened. My lips parted and my chest contracted with the way his call was. He was in pain my appa was in pain. I heard his frantic calls again and again and i yelled calling him but he was just yelling my name. Clutching my little one with me i rushed to him. My appa was looking at me and once he finally saw me his eyes gained life and hope. But today was not the day for us to hope for anything. A dark voice made us to halted us for a minute. From the shadow  there he stood, the prabu of the Kalias holding my appa as a bait for this raid. When the prabhu spoke my life left my body.

"Let us start our sacrifice of tonight to the gods of Kalias with the human sacrifice. Jai maata...." he said and pulled the large sword and made me scream. Everyone turned to see me and the next minute the one i am looking at. 

A slice sound was heard and the next minute a head was rolled on the ground. It was none other than my known vegetable seller the one who i used to call mama. "Mama...." i whispered and slowly i turned my head up. I gasped when i saw a Kalia looking straight to my eyes. His lips were dark, his eyes were shaded with black and brown which were definitely bloody. He was surrounded by fleshy smell and his teeth where anything but white. He smiled at me making me take few steps back. He was gaining on me when i walked back with my front facing him. Before he could take yet another step appa sliced his head. I gave a sigh of relief and rushed to him and held him as my very life. Suddenly there was arrow showers from all the four sides. Panicked i ran holding appa but before we can even find a hide out he was been tossed towards a tree making me look at what has happened. 

"Run my child. Run towards the kingdom, the main kingdom where you will be safe with your Mukundh and Rama. Go you have my blessings" i cried and saw them approaching us. He held my hand and stood up with the other hand which had his sword as a support. Spitting the blood he held his sword tight and lifted his head to face the fight. 

His Queen(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now