Risana's Past

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Just had a random, brilliant idea for a oneshot.
(Risana's P.O.V)

I trudged back home, or I should call it the cave my father lived in, and went to see what my father wanted with me. I turned around the corner to the room my father sat in almost all of the time.
"Risana, come here," my father somewhat gently said. I was actually afraid of what my father might do to me. I went over to him. "You look just like your mother."
No I don't, she was thin, not muscled like I am. I got that from you, I wanted to say to him, but I stopped myself.
"Thanks," I barely whispered. He got closer to me and I could smell the alcohol in his breath. "Uh, what did you need from me?"
"I was simply checking up on you." I suddenly felt very nervous and took a small step away. My father was unpredictable when he was as drunk as he was now. The small step seemed to anger him a little bit, but he stayed as calm as he could. It was silent in the room.
"There's something else though, isn't there?" My voice was still quiet and it shook a little from the fear I had. I looked into those emotionless eyes of his and anger was starting to seep into them. I felt like I was going to throw up because of how scared I was.
"There's always got to be something else, according to your logic. But there isn't." His voice slowly started to sound more and more angry and I was getting prepared for his fist to come down on me.
"There's never just one reason when you call one of us kids into the same room as you." Adrenaline was starting to kick in and made my reply harsher than intended. Even though I didn't really care.
"Father! Don't you dare lay a finger on Risana!" My oldest sister, Sterita yelled. My father turned around to face her. He was fuming now. Sterita hid her fear.
"Don't you tell me what to do." My father's voice came out as a low growl and she got into a defensive position.
"Risana, go. Now." My sister looked at me with terrified eyes. Terrified of my safety, and terrified of what he may do to her. I wasn't going to leave my sister to defend herself all alone and stood beside her. "Risana, now. I don't want you to get hurt." I sighed and turned to leave, but just as I did that,  I felt a sharp pain in my back. I whipped around to see Sterita tackling our father to the ground, but he was beating her, being bigger and heavier than she was.
"Risana run!" Sterita desperately shouted and I ran as fast as I could out of that cave to find my oldest brother, Sterita's twin.

I sprinted around the village for a couple of minutes and finally found Zimmson.
"Zimmson! Sterita needs help!" I cried, clinging onto his arm. He looked at me with wide eyes.
"Is it Father?" He asked in a flat, emotionless tone. I nodded.
"They're in our cave." He rushed off to help Sterita with me trailing behind him.
"Sterita!" Zimmson pretty much screamed her name. She was lying seemingly unconscious on the floor, a bit of blood was around her. It must've gotten really serious. Zimmson went to Sterita's side and lifted her head up into his lap. We both ignored our father sobbing in the corner of the room. I sat next to Zimmson.
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked him.
"I think so. I think this is her blood, but there's not much of it."

Zimmson gently lifted Sterita into up and took her to the empty cave on the other side of the village. He tended to her wounds as she slowly woke up.
"How are you feeling?" He gently asked Sterita. She groaned and rubbed her head in reply. "It'll get better, I promise. What happened in there?"
"Risana was there. Father was about to lash out on her, but I stopped him. He punched me hard. He also had a small knife," she gestured to the gash in her leg,"and he did that. That's why there was probably a bit of blood on the floor. I tried to fight back and protect myself, but he knocked me out." Sterita gently rubbed her head again.
"Risana, can you please go get the others? We will be living in this cave away from Father from now on." I nodded and ran out of the cave to get our other siblings that were very much likely scattered across the village.

Once I had gathered them all up, we headed back to the cave Zimmson and Sterita were in. My brothers and sisters crowed around them, worry all over their faces.
"Hey, everyone, we will be living here away from Father from now on," Zimmson said gently to everyone. I heard some sighs of relief.
"Father won't hurt us anymore, will he?" Xandras asked, grabbing onto my arm in need of comfort. I hugged him.
"No, Father will never touch any of you anymore. Especially you Xandras." Father had lashed out on Xandras a while back and almost killed him. Xandras was the youngest and most vulnerable and Father had taken advantage of that.

We were never going to let that happen again to him, or anyone else. Ever again.

I apologize if thay triggered anyone's bad memories. It sure was depressing to write.

Anyway, on a happier note, I need suggestions if I can't think of anything to write.

Bye for now!

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