Chapter 17: Chicky Nuggies

Start from the beginning

A little farther down from where Gyro and Mark resided, Ellie gasped as she dug herself out of a pool of bodies with Boyd in her other arm which hadn't made the task any easier. She didn't need to gasp considering she couldn't breath but she saw other people do that when emerging from something so she figured that's what you were supposed to do.

Ellie looked even shittier than before, covered in grime with most of her hair down and tangled. Not to mention the truck ride over was so rough she was even more dented.

She looked down at Boyd who wasn't looking to hot himself. "Are you okay?"

Boyd had no time to respond before they both saw Mark barreling towards them from the hill. It didn't take long for all three of them to crash and hit the ground together, adding even more dirt to their fit.

Ellie had landed right on top of Boyd but the little dude was still aight. "Dad?"

"Sup?" Mark's face was in the dirt. At this point the man didn't even want to get up. He just wanted a nap.

After helping Boyd up and dusting him off, Ellie walked over to Mark. "Why were you tumbling down a hill of dead bodies?"

"Ugh because ASSHOLE up there pushed me off!" He screamed "asshole" hoping that Gyro would hear his complaints. Gyro didn't.

Even though Mark didn't want to get up, Ellie helped him anyway. It was like picking up a screaming toddler to put it lightly. When he looked at her he grimaced. "Wow, you look like shit."

God, Mark was acting like more of an asshole than usual. Someone must've woken up on the wrong side of the body bag.

"Your outfit is torn, you are scraped up, and you are covered in dirt and feces from corpses. Based on society's standards for beauty, you do not fit the quota yourself." Ellie stated matter-of-factly. "On another note, I do need major repairs when we return to Duckburg. I do not feel comfortable with my wires being exposed, I'm indecent."

"Oh true true! Well, hopefully Waddle is still doing Gucci with Glomgold being a dictator and all... Because I can't do anything if I don't have my rocking ass building!"

"You need to stop swearing around Boyd." Ellie eyed Mark up and down. "And you also need to wipe some of the feces on you off. It is very disgusting."

Mark lifted his shirt over his head to use it as a napkin but it didn't really help all that much. "'Kay, am I good now?"

"I think it's worse." Boyd whispered; he was trying his best to not be rude.

Mark shrugged it off. "Eh, I'll make it a fashion trend. That'll be easier than washing my face." He took a selfie of his "new look" and waited for the trend to take off.

Considering Mark hated nature so much, it confused Ellie why he was so "chill" about having legitimate feces on his face. It was very unsanitary to say the least. She figured he hit his head on the way down. "We should start looking for Gloria along with Gyro."

Gyro, who was about half a mile away, was getting more worried by the second. "Gloria?" He knew that if she was buried deep enough, it meant possible suffocation. He tried not to think about that too much. "Gloria?!"


He shot his head to the right to see Gloria limping over to him. She had some scrapes, probably from being dumped out from the truck so aggressively. Lighting up, Gyro ran over to embrace her. "I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried sick!" He let go of her to study her expression and her wounds. "Are you okay? Did you break anything?" Gyro was a scientist, not a doctor, but he felt the need to ask anyway. Okay he currently had a doctorate but that's besides the point.

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