Tails and Friends vs Scourge

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(Last Week)

Tails woke with the sunrise outside of his workshop in Mystic Ruins. He stretched himself out in his bedroom.
Rubbing his eyes, Tails opened them up to find an unmarked white envelope resting on top of his red blanket. Unsure of what it could be, Tails opened it up. Out fell a picture with a note.
I can't tell you where I am, but I am with Sonic. As you've heard, he's okay. I'm working with Shadow to get him out. Do me a favor and let Knuckles know. Hang in there, little guy. -Rouge
The fox kit picked up the fallen picture and examined it.
It was Sonic all right, but the hedgehog looked thinner, as if he had lost a good amount of weight. He also had a surprised expression on his face. Did Rouge take this picture by surprise?
Tails threw his covers off and rolled out of his bed. He took off in the X Tornado, heading for the Master Emerald Shrine after picking up Amy and Cream and Cheese.

"That's Rouge's handwriting, for sure," Knuckles confirmed as he finished reading the letter. He was all too familiar with it after reading all the thank you notes the jewel thief would leave for him after stealing the Master Emerald yet again.
"Do you recognize where this picture was taken?" Tails asked hopefully. It was the only lead they had at the moment
"I doubt it," Amy answered on behalf of the echidna. "The green couch is the only clue we have as to his location. There could be thousands of those in Station Square, assuming he's even in Station Square."
Tails knew it was true, but he still couldn't help but feel upset.
Seeing his frown, Knuckles gave the fox kit a playful punch. "Don't be like that. We know he's still alive and wherever he is, Rouge is with him. She may be annoying, but she gets results."
"All we can do for now is keep searching for Shadow. We'll find him," Amy said hopefully. "Eventually."
Tails decided to stay quiet about seeing Shadow.

Tails and Amy were heading for Club Rouge after overhearing a call for help on the police radio frequency. It seemed a certain green hedgehog was causing a scene and destroying the casino property, along with threatening many of the patrons with physical violence.
As they arrived and entered the club, they could already hear the green hedgehog shouting at the various employees, all of whom were trying their best to calm him down while remaining calm themselves.
"Sir, we are going to have to ask you to leave," the club manager said for the hundredth time, attempting to get a hold of Scourge.
"Make me!" Scourge swung at the manager, missing by a mile. He was already well intoxicated at this point, having had several drinks and full cases on the house.
At first, the employees thought they could simply give Scourge a few drinks and send him on his way. With Rouge away on a mission, there was no one around who was strong enough to fight the green hedgehog. Rather than create a scene and scare away customers, they gave in to his demands. It seemed to be going well at first; Scourge sat quietly at the bar with his drink. The employees had clearly underestimated Scourge's alcohol capacity as he continued to ask for more and more, demanding to have from Rouge's most expensive and old champagnes. When they said no, Scourge lost it.
"I want a drink, dang it!" Scourge continued to shout and curse. Clumsily, he climbed over the bar and picked up the bartender. With a heave, he threw him over the counter at the manager.
The two humans landed in a pile on each other.
Scourge jumped back over the counter and grabbed one of the bar stools. He returned to behind the counter and used the stool to smash open the glass container, which contained the most expensive drinks. Grabbing at the bottles, he read the labels, smashing them or drinking them depending on if he liked what he saw.
Amy and Tails ran to assist the manager and bartender, helping them back up on their feet.
"Ms. Amy, Mr. Tails!" the manager greeted happily. "Please, you must help. Scourge is going to destroy this place and Ms. Rouge is not around to stop him!"
"Don't worry." Amy had dealt with Scourge several times before. Though dangerous, Scourge was easy to handle while inebriated. "We'll take care of this."
"I'm on top of the world!" Scourge shouted as he stood atop the bar. He suddenly fell to the ground as someone kicked him in the back.
"Come on, your highness," Amy mocked, as she grabbed Scourge by the ear, dragging him towards the back.
"We'll take the exit out the back," Tails explained to the manager. "So the rest of the casino doesn't have to see him."
"Thank you very much!" The manager almost bowed in gratitude. He was already going to have a tough time explaining to Rouge what had happened to her bar when she got back; he certainly didn't want to make the situation worse.
After trying to interrogate Scourge, Tails and Amy left him in the alley to regain soberness. Despite how intoxicated he was, Scourge refused to give any useful information about Sonic's whereabouts.

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