It All Came Crashing Down

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Newt ran through the empty corridors of the homestead, checking in each room for Ariadne. Out of all the bloody times she had to get a bright idea, it had to be in the middle of an Armageddon! The homestead seemed eery and old without the usual litter of bodies sleeping everywhere. He heard a rustling from where the med-jacks used to work.

"Ariadne?" He whispered, his heart racing. Then she ran out from the doorway and he yelped in shock. She never gave him much time to recover as she grabbed his hand and dragged back out of the homestead.

"Come on! I just had to get some more pain reliever. Are you crazy! Why would you come back! The whole freaking place is falling down around us! You should have left me!" She screamed at him as they fled the glade. No one else was left.

"Ari, we've already been through this. I'm never going to leave you, or anyone else behind. Okay? So shut up and run for your life!" Newt screamed at her as they both bolted hand in hand toward the Griever hole, dragging each other up when the other had fallen or tripped. Their feet pummelled the stone floor of the maze as they dodged the collapsing debris. Everything was crashing down around them. They reached the cliff and the pair sprinted to get a head start, flinging themselves off the edge.

Cold darkness enveloped through Newt's body and consumed him as they made it through the other side of the Griever hole. Newt immediately bumped into someone from behind and he apologised. He searched around frantically for Ariadne. He hadn't felt her come in. Then someone crashed into him and they fell to the ground.

"Sorry. I'm just looking for someone. I'm sorry. Have you seen Newt?" A girl asked him. He chuckled as he realised who it was and she scrambled off of him in panic.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen him. Tall, winning smile, great hair, gorgeous eyes, oh yeah, and a very charming British accent." Newt teased. She groaned and Newt could practically see her rolling her eyes.

"I think you forgot to mention that he's incredibly irritating and full of himself." She muttered.

"Hey, can someone turn on the shucking lights!" Minho ordered. After a few moments, there was a slight buzz as the lights overhead flickered and lit up the room. There was a loud slam and the crowd erupted into noise. Newt craned his neck to see what was going on.

"Stay right here, it's safer. I'll be back." Newt whispered to Ariadne and pushed his way to the front of the room.

The Tributes from the Maze (Newt/OC)Where stories live. Discover now