Chapter 28 - The Friends II

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"Speaking of habit, let me tell you something about Lisa" Jennifer spun and rested her back against the kitchen counter, crossing her arms at the same time. "Whenever my wife and I spend a night here, only Lisa and Jisoo will do the cleaning."

"Why?" I frowned, getting interested in the conversation.

"Since Lisa has OCD, she has her own way of cleaning her stuff. So that's why we never get away with it. If we have washed the dishes, she will rewash them."

I nodded as I absorbed the things Lisa's best friend told me about, thinking of how I was going to handle a woman who I still had a lot to get to know about.

"She is that strict?"

"With her things, and some other things, yes" Jennifer let out a small laugh. "She gets angry too if we don't listen to her, we have seen that" She sighed. "But please don't let that worry you, Lisa is a kind person. One of the kindest, actually"

I hummed, placing the drinking glasses that I had washed on the drying shelf.

"Lisa never had a girlfriend before?" I blurted out a question that I knew the answer for it already. But that was from Lisa's mouth, I didn't understand why I wanted to know from her friend's as well.

Jennifer laughed on this one, shaking her head. "Not even a boyfriend, no."

"Do you know why?"

"Not really," She responded. "But Lisa is a workaholic, she gets stressed out most about her work as you already know what kind of job she has" Jennifer continued as she looked at me. "She never told us about love stuff before, not even about her work" She gave me a smile that was impossible for me not to reply back. "We only find out that she has feelings for women when she starts talking about you, that's how secretive Lisa is."

Turning my body, I faced the same direction as her; the living room.

"That's what baffles me" I lowered my voice, wanting my next words to be heard only by Jennifer. "I don't know why she even likes me in the first place."

"You don't know why she chose you instead of other people out there?"

"Yeah, I mean, I'm just a cook" I looked down, staring at my hands as I dried them with the kitchen towel. "She could have chosen someone who's in her league, a fellow detective too, maybe?" I said, having the name of the person I was talking about in my mind. "It's hard for me to think that all of this is real."

"I know, but Lisa really likes you regardless who you are, where you're from" Jennie laughed again, which invited mine too even though I had no idea what was the reason for it. "It might sound like that Backstreet Boys' song, but that's because Lisa has been singing that song these days."

Now I knew why Jennifer laughed.

"Lisa sings?"

"Not professionally, of course. It's just her jam in the shower" She stated. "And she sounds terrible by the way."

I was about to respond to Jennifer, but my laughter was stopped by a glimpse of Lisa coming towards us. So I brought my eyes at her, turning serious all of a sudden as if Jennifer and I had committed something wrong and Lisa caught us.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked with a smile.

"Nothing," The other woman left her spot next to me, walking back to the living area. "Just ladies' stuff."

Lisa didn't ask more as she continued her steps, looking over the sink before she stopped in front of me.


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