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The Sweetest Decisions

   Madison refused to tear her intense gaze from Drew, attempting to rob an answer from his cheeky mirth. She crossed her arms, waiting. "Well?"

   Drew studied her, the setting sun behind him emitting a halo-like glow. Ironic, considering the stunt he'd pulled was anything but angelic.

   The corners of his lips tugged downwards, upon realizing that she hadn't found his remark amusing. "I'm sorry, that was a bad joke. Are you mad?"

   His eyes dimmed with genuine contrition, returning to its earlier sweetness. While Madison was a little miffed, it was hard to stay angry at someone who resembled a wounded puppy.

   "I didn't see anything," Drew confessed. "I didn't think the lace comment would hit close to home . . . but it did, and now I feel stupid. Sorry."

   Shooting him a scowl, Madison playfully gave him a gentle thump in the back of the head. A small 'ow' escaped his lips.

   "Now we're even. Let's just never speak about it again. Deal?"

   Rubbing the back of his head, he gave a humored grin. "Speak about what?"

   With the dynamics restored, the walk back was uneventful as Drew engaged her in his usual upbeat chatter. By the time they'd regrouped with James and Edith, the pair were already waiting for them at the main threshold.

   Madison looked towards her older chaperone, wondering how he'd fared the past hour without her. James remained charming as ever—nodding along at Edith's pesterings—but the glaze of his eyes revealed how drained he truly was.

   Her throat tightened, cursing that she hadn't sped things up with Drew as James had requested.

   When everything was over, she'd promise to make it worth James's while for all his efforts. Perhaps put in a good word to her father. Or maybe she'd help him in his own quest for love, if that were possible.

   "Ready to go?" Madison asked him, pulling up at his side.

   James languidly glanced down at her. "Just about. Our ride's out front."

   "Feel free to come back anytime," Edith chortled, lacing her fingers through Madison's. "And please bring James when you do." 

   Madison wasn't letting the woman within ten feet of him ever again, but she kindly agreed to the first offer. Giving James one last suggestive wink—much to his chagrin—Edith took off.

   It was Drew's turn to approach James, and he offered a friendly hand. A subtle twitch graced James's features, but he dutifully returned a stiff shake.

   "I knew you," Drew suddenly blurted, earning a raised brow. "Before, I mean. Or at least, I knew of you. We both graduated from Lawton U."

   "Did we?" James politely indulged him, though Madison knew all he wanted to do was leave.

   "Go, Gray Wolves!" Drew awkwardly threw up a hand gesture, representing their school sign.

   James blankly stared.

   "Anyways," Drew coughed, "you graduated early, so we didn't have the chance to meet. But everyone knows about you. You're a legend in the economics department."

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