You were at your grandpa shop when saitama came in and told him what happened last night, your grandpa laughed "why don't you work? You're young and strong"he said "I can help you pay, the rent is not that big it's so cheap"you said "thank you, you always save me"saitama said, you smiled you were so happy to help "anyway I finished sewing your clothes"he said and gave it to saitama.

The guy from yesterday came in "hey old man, the time end" he said, your grandpa looked down and gave them a paper. You and saitama looked confused "that paper look important, give back!"you said, the guy looked at you "hmm, heh how about I take you instead"he said and pulled you hand. You screamed "leave her alone and take the paper!" Your grandpa said.

Saitama punched the guy and kicked him "don't ever lay your dirty hand on my girlfriend"saitama said "you will regret this!"he yells and run away.
"Who is that guy?" You asked "look like the shop will close, they'll come and collect everything"he said "eh? Who are they?"saitama said "you don't know them?"he said.
Your grandpa started explaining.

He draw a map to where the criminal live "don't go anywhere near the places I drew In The map"he said.
Saitama tried finding those criminal using the map "as expected, they live in the same place I live in"he said.
a guy was talking on the phone walked passed him "hey do you know-" he cut him off "I don't have time for you I'm busy"the guy said.
Saitama went to one of the apartments in the building and knocked on the door, he heard the old woman voice and panicked, then heard your voice "hey saitama" he jumped on up and hold into the ceiling and trying his best not to fall.

The door opened "who is it!?.... oh it's you (y/n) do you need something sweetie? Come in, I made some cookies"she said with smile, this all it take to convince you to go with her "I love cooking!"you said "I know, now come in"she said and closed the door after you entered ".... man (y/n)'s like a child, she get fooled so easily, kidnapping her won't be hard I should keep a close eye on her"saitama said and went to find the bad guys.

(Time skip)

Saitama knocked on the old woman door "you finally paying the rent"she said "no I don't have the money but you can take those guys and give them to the police they have bounty, they should be enough to pay the rent, and is (y/n) still with you? Can you tell her to come out? It's time to leave"saitama said, the woman wasn't pleased with what happened "they were the only ones who rent here! If you were about to do something like that you should've asked me first you dumbass!"she yells.

"She really kicks me out"saitama said "s-sai? What are you doing here? I was looking for you all day"your grandpa said "that old woman kicked me out"saitama said "let's go to my house"he said.
They were talking when you came running and opened the door "grandpa! Saitama is not in his apartment! H-he left"you start crying "I'm here, don't cry"he said and hugged you "you're here? But what happened"you asked "long story short I need somewhere new to live in"he said "you can move in with me! We can finally live together like a couple"you said with blush on your face.

You sat next to saitama "thank you for protecting the shop and my granddaughter, saitama" he said "no problem, you can always depends on me, and (y/n) is my girlfriend it's my job to protect her"saitama said "but I have to close the shop"he said. Saitama almost choked on his drink "but why?"you asked  "I got old and I can't do that anymore, here I made this for you. You don't have to use it but I want you to keep it"he gave saitama a yellow suit.

You went home, saitama was trying the suit and you fangirling about it "keeeaaaa! You look so hot"you said, he was happy you like it, and that all it matter.


"And that what happened"saitama said to genos, they were sitting on top of a building eating "at first it was embarrassing to wear it but I got used to it, that why this suit is important"saitama said "so to be a strong hero like you I should have something so important to me"genos said "hmm where did get that bullshit from" he said "from you. And I still think it is time you should change your suit, I'll give you new one if you gave yours"genos said " I don't want to, weren't you listening when I was telling the story!, and I know you want it since (y/n) like it!, I don't know why I'm keeping you alive till now!"saitama yells.

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