Chapter 6

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The wind started blowing and the temperature dropped as Louis and I started riding back to the farm. We finally arrive and I walk into the house to the boys and my father watching the superbowl. "YEAH!" Niall shouted as he pegged the football at the ground. It bounced back up and hit him in the face as he fell back on the couch. I just kept walking into my room and plopped down on my bed to the butterflies in my stomach. I woke up about two hours later to the feeling of someone staring at me. I look around and find Louis perched up on his feet staring at me from across the room.

"What the heck is your problem?!" I panicked.

"I was just trying to understand why you hate me so much." he replied.

"Get out." I said as he left and slammed the door.

I walked into the kitchen to get a snack when I heard the news playing on the tiny television sitting in the corner of kitchen. "We are under blizzard watch!" the news reporter said. By the time I looked outside I saw that tiny drops of snow where drizzling down faster and faster.

"Our tour bus will never get fixed in this kind of weather!" Liam complained.

"Lighten up Liam." Harry said. "Lets go play in the snow."

They all went outside including Louis. I found it so tempting not to go out there with them. You don't like him. He's a stuck up rich kid who you will never see again. My head kept replaying. I finally decided to go out there with them. They look like they're having so much fun so why not, right?

"Oh look who came to play!" Louis said holding out his arms with a big smile on his face.

"Shut up and kiss me" I said walking over to him.

We had a nice make-out session while the boys threw snowballs at us. Awkward... It was just so hard to believe. Louis was this famous kid from England while I was just a normal girl living on a farm. After his tour bus was fixed he would go on tour and I would never see him again, so why was I getting involved with him? Ugh I liked Louis a lot but at the saw time never wanted to see him again. I really didn't know what to do so I had no choice but to just keep kissing and kissing him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2013 ⏰

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