Chapter 5

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I kept swimming until I couldn't swim anymore. I ended up swimming right up about a foot above the water onto the land. I laid there thinking, not crying, just thinking.

What had just happened with Louis? Did he really mean that or was he just kidding?

My head buzzed with annoying little things. Everything I really didn't think about.

"Maddy what are you doing?" I heard someone say right behind me. I turn around from laying on the ground in a "planking" position. It was Niall.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well I usually go and ask people what's the matter with them when they just had a melt-down and now laying facedown on the ground." he said.

"Whatever" I said and walked around the lake towards the house. Niall following close behind me. I personally think he got scared of the dark.

I finally got to the house opened the door to look around the corner to see my mom examining the bumps and scratches on Louis forehead. I totally ignored them and walked down the hallway into my violet purple room. I quietly shut the door and threw my shoes off and crawled underneath my covers.

I hear the click of the light in the hallway go off and my parents bed squeak which means they have gone to bed. I throw the covers off of me and slowly and quietly open my door and walk to the kitchen. I never got my cup of tea. I have never gone to sleep without one sine I was seven years old. I can't go to sleep without a cup of tea anymore. I jump at the feel of a hand on my shoulder.I turn around and its Louis. Of course. "What do you want?" "I just want an explanation for the umm.. thing that just happened." he said in his cute accent. Err wrong not cute! And I wasn't falling into his little pity act either. No way not ganna happen.

"But just hear me out!" He said quietly trying not to wake my parents.

"I already gave you a chance and you blew it." I said picking up my tea and walking to my room.

"B-But" he said as I slammed my door in his face and climbed underneath the nice warm covers.

*Next Morning*

I step outside in my same clothes from yesterday. I'm a fashionista gone wrong! I walk out and step on Louis who apparently slept infront of my room wrapped up with a pillow and a blanket. I drag him across the wood floor inside my room closing the door.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper trying my hardest not yell. Then he leans up kiss me. Most horrid two seconds of my life. "I thought you would like it!" he said hopefully "Well think again bucko." I said opening the door and dragging him across the slick wood floor two doors down into the guest room. "Don't leave me in here by myself after what just happened. You know you liked it!" he whispered. "Go kiss your boyfriend I said pointing to Harry. Harry getting up and walking toward Louis who was still on the ground said "come kiss me boyfriend!"

I give a tiny laugh. Louis gets up and walks toward me right as I close the door. Oops. He ran right into it and fell back and thankfully Harry caught him.

I walk back to my bedroom and look at the clock. 4:31 a.m. Another twenty-nine minutes for this farm girl to sleep. It wasn't very long until my mom came and woke me up.

"Come on get up sweety!" She said in her perfect, smooth voice.

"Okay" I croaked.

"Oh Carl! She did it again, she actually got up!"

She opens my thick black curtains, letting the sunlight in my room. As she throws the covers off of me I get up and pick out my out fit. Black skinny jeans, a peach colored tank-top, a peach colored floral see-through top, an owl  necklace, and a leather jacket. I threw my hair into a side ponytail and threw on my black boots to match my skinny jeans. I walked outside to the smell of pancakes cooking. I grab a little tin bucket and walk out side to the chicken coop to grab some eggs.

After I grab the eggs and bring them back inside I take a pancake and poor syrup all over it.

"Easy Mad Dog we have an extra five people that want syrup on there pancakes to." she said with a bright smile. "I know, I know. I just don't think a pancake is a pancake without it being in a pool of syrup."

After sucking down my pancake and sucking up the extra syrup with a straw I head outside towards the horse stables. I grab a lead rope off the shelf and hook it to Beau. I lead him out to a pole where we saddle him up. Just as I untie him and hop on Louis walks out of the house. He walks over to where I'm sitting on Beau and surprising Louis didn't spook him. "Do you mind taking me for a ride?" he asks willingly. Distracted by the fact that he was kinda cute I say "sure." He hops on and we start riding through a path in the woods.

I cant believe I'm actually saying this but I actually enjoyed it.

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