Chapter 2

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I've heard about this "One Direction" getting third place on the X Factor UK. I hate them. I cant even stand the sight of them. They're a snobby group of boys that just show their faces and the girls come running.

"What are these people doing here?" I asked my mom who thought they were cute as a button.

"Don't be rude Madeline" She snapped at me. "Boys do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny-side up?"

A questioned look came across their faces as I started gagging. Just another thing to prove everything in life is handed to them. "Just cook them scrambled mom its easier." I said walking across the room to open the half rotted refrigerator to grab a bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Our kitchen was rather small with an old ratty oven, my moms most used item in the house, and old wooden counters and matching cabinets. There was a table in the center with eight chairs even though we only use three.

"So why are they here again?" I asked my mom.

"Well they were on their way to Colorado on tour and they're tour bus broke down and they can't figure out what's wrong so they might need to stay here for tonight."

"Great" I said sarcastically. "Alright order up!" my mom said. "Maddy honey come help me give these to the boys." As I handed Harry his plate he gave me a little smirk. "What's that for?" I asked  him. "Oh nothing he said. "Yeah whatever."

My mom pinched my elbow as she handed me my plate. "Be nice!" She whispered. 

I sat down next to Louis as he stared at his plate. "Your supposed to eat it." I said. "Can you do that or do you need someone to do that for you to?" I said as he started blushing.

"I think I'm good." Louis said staring down at his plate. "Is there something wrong with your eyes? You seem not able to look up?" I questioned. He looked up to Niall who was already finished with his breakfast. "Slow down" he said as he chuckled.

As I walk out of the room Zayn says "where are you going, Maddy that is your name right?" "Yes that's my name and don't think about using it. Lets get this out in the open. I'm not one to send hate mail, but I don't like you people. At all. So just leave me alone." I said with a serious tone.

As my mother walks back into the room she said "No ma'am" pulling me back into the kitchen. "Why don't you give them a tour of the farm?" she suggested. As I turn around to walk back to my bedroom she grabs me and whispers "It wasn't a choice Madeline. And try and manage not to kill them." "Whatever I whispered."

"Well boys come on before I leave you." I said. I opened the old, ratty, ripped screen door with a screech. Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Niall following close behind started sniffing the air that smelt like cow manure. "What is that horrid smell?" asked Liam. "Its cow poop. Learn to love it if your ganna be here awhile." I replied.

"You know you don't have to be so bitter!" Niall barked out. "Don't you agree with me, lads?" They all nodded except for Louis who just started at the ground. "So Louis do you like to ride horses in your hometown?" I said grabbing his arm and walking towards the wooden horse barn. "No, I've actually never ridden a horse but I have always wanted to!" As we walked up to the barn with the other boys following behind chuckling my horse Beau started kicking to back foot. "Be careful" I said "He doesn't like strangers." As Louis reached over the stable to pet Beau he bit his hand and blood started pouring everywhere. Then, Beau became uncontrollable and slammed his nose into Louis forehead.

Blizzard (One Direction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora