Chapter 3

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"Ummm.... where oh where am I?" Louis said.

"You got knocked out by a horse!" Niall said.

"Whoppppppppppeeeee!" Lou said. "Am I supposed to be like umm seeing these star thingies?"

"Dude are you high?" Zayn asked.

Niall started laughing so hard he fell on the ground and started rolling around in horse poop. "Niall get up and go take a shower!" Liam, Daddy Direction, barked at him. "Niall get up and go take a shower!" Niall mimicked Liam holding up his arms to give him a hug. "Niall stop!" "No" Niall started chasing Liam around the farm. "Hey Niall gimme some love!" Harry said chasing the boys. "Oh hehe I see okay I will just leave you two love birds here to swallow each other." Zayn said backing out of the bright red traditional barn.

"No Zayn you don't have to leave!" I yelled but it was to late.

"So Megan hows life going?" Louis said with a smirk on his face. "Lets get this straight Liam my name is Maddy and we are not in item no matter what anybody says." I smacked his check and he fell off of his chair onto a bale of hay. He lifted up his face and said "Oh and hun, my name is Louis." Then I walked out and closed to the barn door leaving him to sleep.

"Guys come on!" I yelled. Eventually they all herded around me and we walked in the kitchen. My dad was in the kitchen seasoning a chicken for supper tonight.

"Eat light boys! We will be eating like kings tonight!" my dad said making his way outside.

Niall's face light up brighter than a Christmas tree as my mother walked in and fixed us each a glass of lemonade.

"Where is Louis?" she asked. "Oh he is just taking a nap." I replied back quickly.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. My mom rushed over to go answer it. Paul stepped inside and said "Boys bad news." "The bus is useless we have to get a knew one and that could take up to two weeks, so your tour has been postponed."

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