1. Blind Dates V's Tinder Dates

Start from the beginning

"Who stood you up? Grinder date" she smirks before taking another mouthful of her drink.

"Fuck off, blind date actually"

"Yeah? Maybe she walked in the door and took one look at you and thought to herself no thank you"

"It's a blind date, I'm not taking it personally and I'm a great fucking catch!" I say matter of factly like I'm not butt hurt, as I tell my lie I'm watching her face as she ponders her response.

"Who thought better of being here with you then Princess? Satan himself?" I ask cheekily and she looks me dead in the eye before answering "Tinder date" she replies shrugging her shoulders.

"Ha, did you think he was actually going to be marriage material on fucking tinder" I laugh at my own joke while she crosses her arms across her chest, she's getting pissed off now.

"Actually I just wanted to get laid" it's my turn to choke on my drink at her honest response "same as you" she tags on the end.

"Well that's where you're wrong, I don't fuck about any more, I'm looking for something serious" she raises her eyebrows at my bold statement.

"I guess you're not getting any younger, it's a good time to get boring and settle down" fuck her!

"Ain't nothing boring about me, I can show you if you like"

She giggles at my boastful statement.

"No thanks, I got this" she giggles again.

"So, you ain't getting laid now, what are you going to do about that?" At this point in the conversation I am fucking dying to pound my dick into her body and fuck her into the middle of next week.

"Well I'm going to the cheap ass motel I rented for the night and I'm going to let my fingers do the talking" she wiggles her index and middle finger in my face.

An image of her naked, legs spread wide with her fingers dipped inside her pussy flashes through my mind and I'm about to start drooling!

"Fuck that's hot!" I mutter "Why don't you take me instead and I'll let my fingers do the talking" more laughter but instead of denting my ego, she's feeding it now.

"I don't think there's room for me, you and your huge over inflated ego in the tiny room" she is not letting me get away with anything. "Yeah sounds like there wouldn't be room for my giant dick either Princess" shrugging my shoulders elicits more giggles from the woman across the table from me. This night is turning out better than I thought nothing like a bit of good old-fashioned verbal sparring to get the blood pumping.

Leaning across the table, I lower my voice and speak slowly "I'll make you cum so hard, you'll be seeing stars bitch"

She doesn't respond, just stares at me, her pupils dilating and her eyes blinking rapidly are the only give away to the fact those words turned her on. She's a tough nut to crack.

"What's your name Princess?" this isn't what I left my house for this evening but I could start with serious relationships tomorrow and finish tonight buried balls deep in the beauty glaring at me from across the table.

"I'm not telling you" she says blankly, before summoning the waiter back towards our table "Can I have the bill please?" she smiles up at him sweetly and he checks her covered tits out, the little prick.

"You leaving?" I ask, fucking desperate for her not to leave yet, I need a few more minutes with her, confident she'll succumb to my charms in the end.

I watch as she places her money and a generous tip under the bill. I stand up before she does and hold out my outstretched hand, she looks at it before smacking it lightly out of the way.

"Stand up, take my hand and I'll give you a ride to your no tell motel" she weighs her options up for a beat before finally standing up and taking my hand. She's a fun sized package she must just hit five feet I reckon but I was right, curves that went on for days.

"I said stand up" mocking her height.

"Shut up you gigantic prick" she whispers angrily before dropping my hand like it was made of molten lava and pushing her way past me and out of the restaurant. I didn't know if I was going to get lucky here or not but I was determined to do as I said and take her to the god forsaken place she'd booked for the random fuck she'd been planning on tonight.

She's waiting outside the door for me and she follows me quietly around to the back of the car park to my car.

"What's your name?" I try again

"Whatever you want it to be" she quotes a line from Pretty Woman at me before climbing into my unlocked truck.

"I just want to fuck Marshall" she says once she's inside of my truck.

"No problem Pretty Woman" she smiles and leans over me, her scent punches me in the fucking gut it's so sexy, my dick begins to rise to the occasion, sensing it's about to be the star of another random fuck. "Never had you down for being a lover of chick flicks."

She punches the name of her motel in to my navigation system before leaning back and buckling up.

"I like Pretty Woman better than Princess by the way" she states looking out of the window.

"You don't look like the kind of woman who just wants to fuck" I poke at her, determined that she might give some clue about what's going on in her head but she just continues staring out of the passenger window.

The atmosphere shifts in the car and for the first time I think I notice something about her, she's twisting an imaginary ring around her wedding ring finger, it's the only tell she gives that's she is feeling anxious, she has a great poker face but it's the glimpse of faint tan lines where a wedding and engagement ring should sit. It's dark though so maybe it's not what I think it is.

She drops in my estimations, what is it with all the bitches cheating on their husbands anyway? But I'm too invested in the thought of pounding my dick in and out of her to give up in disgust, I'll still fuck her married or not.

"No? What do I look like exactly?" she glances over at me and I keep my eyes glued firmly to the road ahead of us.

"You look like a classy woman, you look and smell expensive. You look like a woman who wants commitment not just a fuck" I grow quiet after I spew out those words and it's a while before she speaks "Never judge a book by its cover, isn't that the saying?" she whispers softly, twisting the invisible ring again.

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