Chapter 1

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I woke up with a pounding headache and the warmth of a long legged woman's body next to me. I've had a hard time with trying to remember the previous nights events as I watch the slim and beautiful looking brunette stir on her side of the king size bed and slowly lift her head up from the pillow underneath her. Her long brown hair is a mess and falling out of the now loose low pony tail that held it in place the night before.

I clear my throat and scratch my head, trying desperately to remember what the hell had happened last night, just as I hear the young woman gasp. "Oh God, no!" She nearly shrieks as she briskly gets up from the bed and searches franticly for her light turquoise dress that's laying on the table, next to the bed.

I let out a small chuckle as I watch her slip into her dress, then I finally speak. "Hope you're not freaking out because we slept together.." I tell her, trying to finish my sentence, but I find my green eyes blazing and burning because I can't take my eyes off of her slim figure and the visible hicky that's now on her shoulder.

"Ha..Look, I usually never do this. I was heavily drunk last night and well, you were hot. But, that's beside the point. I never do this, I am so not a one night stand type of girl!" She confirms again as I watch her slip on her black high heels, her eyes narrowing on me, when I uncover myself from the sheets that we had slept on.

"Those bridesmaids, oh crap... and the bride is going to be fuming...When she finds out I sunk off!" She rambles on, as she speaks in a hurried tone, way too rushed to even understand fully. I watch closely as she grabs her purse that's hanging off the chair in the lavish and expensive hotel room that Damon had purchased for his big wedding night with his new wife Katherine.

"Can I at least know your name?" I ask her in a hopeful tone, smiling at her before pulling my white shirt over my head, getting up from the bed in slow motion.

"I thought that we had said no names. Remember, last night before you brought me back here... you whispered it into my ear as you sucked on my ear lobe." Her voice trails off as she looks over at me. I've gotten up off the messy bed and my eyes are glued to her as I lick my chapped lips and follow her fidgeting hands that are playing with a small piece of string that's on her dress.

"That's fine..I guess I can ask my brother then..." I inform her, following her body with my lust filled eyes, up and down her lean and perfectly athletic body, taking in her still dissolved hair, smeared mascara and the fact that her red lipstick is half gone and that she has four deep red hickies on her collarbone.

"Sorry, but I wasn't part of that wedding party." She comments with a wink, standing up straight and giving me a once over with wide brown eyes.

"What?" I ask her, in a confused tone, pulling my sweats over my boxers as my eyes meet hers.

"My friend was married last night too, my best friend to a great guy that's the love of her life, really. As I assume your brother was. Well, I got sick of my date and I somehow ended up at the reception for your brother and his new wife, Katherine was it? She's beautiful by the way." She explains as I watch her, remembering that she was also with an equally as beautiful, long haired blonde that had an expensively made Vera Wang wedding dress on, they had been standing in the hallway together as we all had passed when I nearly bumped into them both, but Lexi had caught my arm.

"Fine, so if I can't know your name. Can I at least know when I can see you again?" I ask her with a gleeful smile as I watch her turn towards the door.

"Look, It is what it is. Your a really good looking guy, and I would love to see you again. But, my life is a mess right now and I just don't have time to be in a relationship. I'm sorry. It was fun." she comments, grabbing the door knob and pulling on it forcefully, a nervous laugh escaping her pursed lips.

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