Chapter 18: Birthdays and Messages on the Wall

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As the feather slowly fell back down into Y/N's hand, he looked to Luna. "I know a little trick to remember it from last year. Just remember this." He glanced and smirked at Hermione, who blushed, and back to Luna. Wait a moment, I think I know what he's doing.

"It's Lev-i-osa, not Lev-i-osar." Y/N chuckled while Hermione and I giggled. Luna was a bit confused as to why we were laughing.
"What's so funny about that?" Luna asked innocently.
"It was something that happened last year, Ron was doing it wrong and Hermione was telling him how to properly do it," I said. "but it became an inside joke between us five. Well, now six."

"Now you try, Luna." Y/N said with a smile. Luna swished, flicked and said, "Wingardium Leviosa." in her usual dreamy tone. The feather floated up, exactly how Y/N did moments ago.
"Excellent, Luna!" Y/N said. "Good job, give me five!" as he raised his hand. Before Luna's hand made contact with his, Y/N fell to his knees and put his hands to his head. Hermione and I got up out of our seats to check on him, but as soon as I got up, I fell too clutching my head. Luna ran up to me to check on me while Hermione was checking on Y/N.

"COME, COME, COME TO ME. COME TO ME!" A voice said loudly in our heads.

"Where's that voice coming from?!?" Y/N yelled. "It's so loud!"
"What voice, Y/N?" Hermione asked. "Are you okay?"
"It's saying 'come to me'." I said as Luna helped me stand up. 'How are you not hearing it, it's the loudest thing in the room..."

Y/N got back up and we all walked through to the corridor to drop Luna off at the Ravenclaw tower and get Harry and Ron from their detention.

"BLOOD. I SMELL BLOOD. LET ME RIP YOU. LET ME KILL YOU. KILL! KILL! KILL!" The voice called out excessively. As it stopped, Harry came around with Ron. Harry looked bewildered while Ron looked confused as hell.

"Harry!" Hermione and Y/N said.
"Did you hear it?" Harry asked us.
"Hear what?" Ron asked.
"That voice."

"Yes." Y/N and I said in unison. Harry looked at us in surprise. 'You know exactly what it's saying?"
"Yep, it kept saying, 'come to me' or something along those lines." Y/n said.
"When did you hear it?" I asked.

"In Lockhart's office." Harry said. "And then again just-" Before he could say more, the voice interrupted him.

"It's time."

"It's moving." He said.
"It's going to kill someone!" Y/N said as he ran off in the direction of the voice.
"Y/N, wait!" Hermione said as she ran off after him.I looked to the boys who nodded and then to Luna.

"Luna, listen to me, okay?" I told her. "Go to the Ravenclaw Tower, and stay in there. Promise me you'll be safe on your way there, okay?"
"I promise." Luna said as she quickly hugged me and skipped off quickly.
After she made her way to the tower, Ron, Harry and I ran off after Y/N and Hermione.


Harry POV

Ron, Lana and I ran off in the direction where I heard the voice from. Y/N and Hermione were already ahead of us, so we were trying to catch up with them. While we were running, I spotted a line of spiders running in another direction.

"Strange." I said. "I've never seen spiders act like that."
"I don't like spiders." Ron whimpered as we catched up with Hermione and Y/N. "What's that?"

I looked up to find a huge message sprawled in blood on the wall. Under the message, an equally huge puddle of water was underneath it. In front of the message, something was floating still.

" 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened...' " Hermione read the message out loud. "'Enemies of the heir...beware.' It's written in blood." She quickly took Y/N's hand in fear as he tangled his fingers with hers.

'Oh, no." I said. "It's Filch's cat. It's Mrs. Norris."

Other students then made an audience, mumbling about the message, with Draco Malfoy at the front.

"Enemies of the heir beware!" He announced. "You'll be next, Mudbloods!"
"You son of a bi-" Y/N said before Hermione held on to him through a side hug. He looked back at her and calmed down as he hugged her back.

"What's going on here? Go on, go on, make way" Filch cried out to the students. "Potter-- what are you... Mrs. Norris?"

"You've... murdered my cat."
"No, no." I said.
"I'll kill ya..." Filch said. "I'LL KILL YA!"

"Ay, ay!" Y/N yelled at Filch. "No one is killing anyone here!"
"Argus!" A voice boomed as Dumbledore and some other professors came along. "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately. Everyone except you five."

The five of us looked to each other, while Hermione, who looked like she had no intention of letting go, still held on to Y/N.

What the hell is going to happen this year?

The Lovegood Of Gryffindor  (Hermione X Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz