Dead or Alive

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Kurgan was happy to be suited and booted once more.  Escaping the Embassy had been simple.  He had killed Dexter with a quick flick of his tongue, as the man had entered the room to see what had happened to the prisoner.

From the interrogation room, a simple stroll outside, a climb over the walls, and he had been outside the compound.  Kurgan had heard alarms ringing out, but had slipped into the shadows of the night.

Helicopters had taken off from the Embassy and he saw them heading off towards Lake Turkana.  It seemed to him that the helicopters were heading towards where the Casimir engines had been hidden.

Carefully and slowly, he had made his way back towards where his phase suit lay, hidden amongst rocks.  Kurgan suspected the helicopters would be fitted with infrared sensors to detect body heat.  That being so, he adjusted his body temperature to match the surrounding air and terrain.  If they were using infrared sensors, he now had the perfect camouflage.

The suit was Kurgan's first priority.  He wanted to contact Control to see what his next orders would be.

He found the rocks and there was the suit, just as he had left it.  It fit him like a glove.  The phase suit was a perfect piece of machinery, which used the power or virtual particles and quantum phase shifting.  It was beautiful.

Kurgan snapped the helmet into place and locked the visor in place.  The readout flickered into his view.  He looked for the order update, and then just frowned.

'Orders: continue pursuit of target.  Target brain function still active.  Target has replicated.'

'Hmm.  What a shapeshifter you are.'  Kurgan now had to think about just how he would begin tracking the shapeshifter's double.  The readout flickered once again.

'Target brain function located.  Approximately 5 miles from present location.  Co-ordinates being sent.'

Kurgan now smiled.  Even without a scent, it seemed that Control had a good lead on the target.  his admiration for Control went up a notch.  If they could get him to the last known position that the shapeshifter had been, his nose could do the rest.

As Kurgan set off for the new co-ordinates he began putting together a new plan of attack.  Just how did you kill someone who wouldn't stay dead?

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