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Kurgan's night-sight showed the heat source on the far side of the lake.  He sniffed the air and could smell fire smoke.  He scented the air again: his quarry was there, along with two animals that smelt like primates, and two others, that smelt like... the night, and death, and blood.  It was time to move closer.

Kurgan's visor clicked shut.  He strode foward into the gently lapping waves of the lake.  Kurgan's suit adjusted his bouyancy, so that he sank beneath the warm waters.  Impeller units on his pack drove him, silently, under the water and readouts on his visor showed where the five life forms were gathered on the far shore.  The distance to the prey clicked down: 3,000 feet became 2,500 feet, 2,000 feet, 1,500 feet, 1,000 feet, 500 feet, 400, 300, 200, 100.

Kurgan's helmet broke the water's surface, with only the slightest of sounds.  The two apes, Eyl and Erna turned towards the sound, as did Nirgalen, Lilith and Da-Cul.  Using his hand, Nirgalen signalled Eyl and Erna to head into the cover of the trees.  The two apes made no sound, but disappeared into the dark of night.  The danger that Nirgalen sensed seemed to have been picked up by Lilith and Da-Cul, too.  More importantly, Lilith and Da-Cul could see perfectly in the dark and saw the tall, suited figure emerge from the water.

Kurgan strode forward, water flowing from the surface of his black suit.  He raised his arm.  White bolts of pure energy shot towards his primary target.

Nirgalen saw the bolts of light ripping through the air towards him.  He slowed down time... using the power of the Djara to bring it to a standstill.  The white bolts of light were frozen in space, just inches from him.  He closed his eyes.  Nirgalen imagined his skin, as smooth and clear as any mirror.

Kurgan's night-sight saw the primary target shimmer and the white energy bolts seemed to bounce, harmlessly off the figure in front of him.  Kurgan didn't even take time to think, but let loose with high velocity particle streams.

From the sandy beach of the lake, Da-Cul swooped forward, flames shooting from his mouth, towards the black-suited figure in front of him.  The fire enveloped Kurgan, but had no effect on his suit.

Nirgalen saw the high velocity particles shooting towards him, together with more of the energy bolts.  For Nirgalen the solution was easy: a wall of solid air surrounded him, like a shield, deflecting the oncoming particles.

Da-Cul drove forward, if fire wasn't the answer, maybe ripping the suited figure limb from limb would work just as well.  The taloned hands of the night demon closed on the arm of the suited figure, but passed straight through, as if he grasped at thin air.

Kurgan switched his fire towards the demon: light bolts and particle streams ripping into the head of the black winged demon.  Da-Cul roared with rage, but did not fall.

Lilith swooped in towards Kurgan: a vision of pure beauty.  If fire and force had failed, the power of seduction might be the weapon that was needed.  Lilith tried to enter the mind of the hunter-killer... and failed.  The light bolts and particle streams tore into the beauty of Lilith's face.

Nirgalen now strode forward, his skin shining, golden bright, a solid shield surrounding him.  Nirgalen raised his hand... and used the mourn blade.  Blue lightning lanced towards the black-suited figure.  In the blink of an eye, Kurgan disappeared.

Nirgalen moved closer to Lilith and Da-Cul.  Even though the hunter-killer was gone, Nirgalen was not at ease.  Something nagged at the back  of his mind; he had the feeling that the hunter would return.

Nirgalen looked at Da-Cul.  Half of the demon's head was missing... and yet he still lived.  Nirgalen watched as Da-Cul's head began to reform.

'Lilith, Da-Cul.  I'll take your blood now and then be gone.  I think that attack was meant for me.  Where I go, the man in black will follow.  Whatever you do, take care of Eyl and Erna... they have to live.'  As Nirgalen spoke the two demons in front of him nodded their heads in agreement, they would carry on what Nirgalen had started with the two primitive apes.

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