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The World Council sat in their bunker.  On ornately carved seats they sat around a red circular table, that sat on a white marble floor.  Within the bunker, a golden spherical cage sat, raised on an ebony pedestal.  The Council numberd 13.  Twelve were the representatives of the twelve World Districts and the thirteenth was the elected World President.

'Representatives, let me hear your reports,' Bjorn Arlsdorf, large, with jet black hair and beard, was now the World President and called the meeting to order.  Representative McCarthy was the first to respond; even in this group of world leaders there was a strict pecking order, governed by position, character and who you wouldn't want to cross swords with.

'The final solution is proceeding, just as planned.  World population is now down from nine to one and a half billion, as predicted.'

Arlsdorf nodded his head solemnly, then looked across to Representative Po Cheng.

'Are our resources and supplies safeguarded?'

'Yes, Mr. President, all as planned.'  Po Cheng gave a curt nod of his head towards the President.

'Representative Ngongwe... have the relief camps been set up?'

'Yes.  Refugees are being taken care of.  There is no resistance.  We have the vast majority of the world population in the camps now... just where we wanted them.'  Representative Ngongwe smiled a broad smile.

The President turned to face Representative Yetnaiev.  'What is the media broadcasting to the refugees, Ivan?'

'The Barracoi forces have been described as an 'off-world invasion force'... an alien threat.'

'Do the refugees believe that?'

Yetnaiev smiled, a cold, calculating smile.  'Most are in a state of shock.  After what they have seen they are just glad to be alive and in the refugee camps.'

'Good.'  Again President Arlsdorf nodded.  'Indira... what of the second phase?'

An elegant woman, dressed in a colourful sari, looked calmly at the President.

'The clones of the Shardahn Temple are assisting with the clean up process and protecting the refugee camps... just as planned.  The refugees find their presence reassuring.'

'What do the clones think about the situation?'  Arlsdorf raised an eyebrow towards the woman.  Representative Patel then replied, hesitantly.

'They have been told that the Barracoi are off worlders... and, well... we think that is what they believe.  It is difficult... we cannot be sure... as many of the clones have psy capabilities.  We have been careful to keep those in the know away from the clones, but we have no idea of the range of their minds.  There is a feeling amongst the clones that they should protect the people from the Barracoi, however... that is what we can use to ensure the second phase goes as planned.'

'Good.  Fuel the clones' thoughts of fighting back.  We will issue orders that the Shardahn Temple should seek out the 'alien threat'.  Representative Krauss...'  Arlsdorf turned to face a heavy set blonde woman, whose hair was cut severly short and whose face was hard and unsmiling.  'Have the bioweapons been mobilised?'

Anya Krauss frowned.  'Zee veapons have been put in place at the designated sites.  Zee hunter killers are also stationed at zee new facilities in zee Southern Haven.'

Arlsdorf smiled, a strained, half-hearted smile.  'Can the war begin?'

'Yah.'  Anya Krauss gave a curt nod of her head.

'Good... then, let war begin.'  Bjorn Arlsdorf left a moment of pause, then dismissed the council.  'We'll reconvene again once the war reports come in, well done ladies and gentlemen.  Now, let's see what we can salvage from the wreckage.'

The twelve council members rose from their seats and trooped out of the council room, leaving Bjron Arlsdorf seated at the round table.

From his pocket he pulled a small metal device, with a set of raised buttons arranged on the upper surface.  Arlsdorf pressed a small red button and sat in wait.  The golden spherical cage lifted from the ebony pedestal, then began to rotate, faster and faster.  It blurred in the President's vision and then was gone.

Only seconds later the sphere reappeared, this time steadily slowing its rotation, until it came to a stop.  The golden cage descended to the black pedestal.  The door to the cage opened and out stepped a cloaked figure, dressed all in black.  The President stood and bowed to the dark figure before him.

Two deep red hands raised to the hood of the cloak and threw it back.  Deep dark eyes looked on the President.  Bjorn Arlsdorf felt a stab of fear, as he looked at the pointed red ears, the finely sculpted features of the deep red face and the slick black hair and beard.

'Mr. President, you have done well.  Now, I'd like you to meet your new council.'  The dark figure clicked his fingers.  In the blink of an eye twelve cloaked shadows appeared around the circular table.

Arlsdorf's mouth hung open for just a second.  He raised an eyebrow and looked at the dark lord in front of him.

'Who... what... who are these?'  Cold sweat ran down Arlsdorf's back, as he spoke and his heart pounded in his chest.

'These are members of the Cold Blood Clan... but you, you can call them The Kula-Mar.'

Arlsdorf wanted reassurance.  'My family and my people... will they be safe, as you promised?'

The dark lord smiled.  'Oh yes, don't you worry, you and yours will be taken care of.'

Arlsdorf looked into the cold, dark eyes before him and knew that he had just sold his soul... and he wondered, in the end, if he had asked for the right price.

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