Karsh of the Peytahns

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Atop his snow-strider, Karsh of the Peytahns surveyed the carnage at The Pass.  His thousand karg wolves had swept through the heavy horses of the Ehorim, carving a swathe that his men cleared.  The snow-striders' tusks pushed the dead horses over the side of the trail, into the dense forest below.

Of the fallen Eldar and Ehorim there was no sign, apart from their blades, bows and lances.  The karg wolves poured into the forest, chasing the fleeing Eldar by scent alone.

Karsh and his mounted Peytahns lumbered down the snow covered trail towards Deadman's Bend.

'Grildek, what lies up ahead?'  Karsh called out to his clansman.

'We've cleared the rocks blocking the trail ahead.  Beyond, the road is blocked by the dead of the Shardahn Legion.'

'Any survivors?'

'None we can see.'

'Hmm.  Any sign of the Eldar?'

'No, Karsh, they've fled.'

A huge smile came to the bearded face of Karsh of the Peytahns.

'Clear the trail of the dead and send a message to Deneb: they owe us 500,000 in gold.  If they quibble just tell them we will come and take it.'

'Aye, Karsh.  Your will be done.'

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