Rooms Within Rooms

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'What are the reports from The Pass?'  The red demon, Baal, looked over at the Kula-Mar Elder, who sat in the Council Chamber.

'Fifty thousand Eldar and Ehorim, by all accounts.  They also seem to be near nigh impossible to kill.  Only decapitation seems to work.'

'Well, if they get this far, I think the Creatures of the Void might slow them down a bit.  Do you think the Legion have any chance of holding them?'

'No.  They might slow the Eldar down, but, like you say, we'll have to resort to other means to take down the Eldar.'

'Why do you think they have come?'

'The rumour on the street is that the K'Vathin have taken slaves in the Northern Forests and Plains and the Eldar and Ehorim are seeking retribution... but, somehow, I think there's more to this than meets the eye.'

'Hmm.  Keep me informed.  If the Eldar reach the city walls we'll call on The Void.'

'As you wish, my Lord.'  The Kula-Mar Elder stood, bowed his head, and walked from the room.

Baal knew all too well how dangerous the Eldar were.  Tricksters, illusionists, now you see them, now you don't, they were older than humanity.  Spirits of the forests and plains, descended from the Nephilim, they usually hid themselves away and had nothing to do with humans.  Baal wondered what really brought them to K'Vath... and why were they playing this game with the Legion?  It truly was baffling.

Baal walked over to the Casimir Engine and prepared to head back to Designation 3.  His main focus, now, was to find The One... The One who had been prophecised to bring back The Void.

Baal couldn't believe just how long this One had taken to get The Void back in place.  Baal laughed to himself: that such a limited creature could have created this infinitely meaningless existence... and that it had wanted to... never ceased to amaze Baal.  Baal smiled: 'at least I've managed to keep myself busy... killing time.'  He chuckled to himself.

'Well, time to go find The One.'  He climbed into the golden cage, set the dials and in a matter of moments was gone.

It was only when the golden sphere disappeared that the twelve Eldar appeared from the shadows in the room.

Ey-ar-nil looked across to his daughter.

'The Deceiver: large as life and twice as scary.  I told you there was something worth coming here for.'

'I always thought The Deceiver was just a myth.'  Ey-lir-ria looked wide eyed at her father.

'Hmm, just as we are to the humans?'  Ey-ar-nil smiled.

'So, will you tell us what we are here for?'  Ey-lir-ria's frown now returned.

'Come... I think it will be in the chambers of The Deceiver.  I think you can wait a few moments more.'

The High Shaman gestured with his right hand and the double doors to Baal's chambers opened.  The twelve Eldar strode with purpose into the darkened chambers.

Ey-ar-nil raised his right hand and an orb or white light floated into the centre of the room, illuminating all around.

Loh-dar-nar turned to his brother.

'Ey-ar-nil... how do we find what we have come for?'

'We will perform the ritual of seeking.'

Loh-dar-nar nodded.

Within the chambers was a large bed, chests and cupboards.  Ey-ar-nil thought all of these would be too ordinary for that which he sought.  The twelve Eldar linked hands and closed their eyes.  Then Ey-ar-nil, the High Shaman of the Eldar, began his chant.

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