2- vintage coffee and rotting bodies

Start from the beginning

he couldnt have gone far, so i should be able to find him easily among the bare streets of italy. swinging from building top to building top, my eyes hungrily scanned the streets that flew by in a blur, eagerly trying to spot a pink head of hair among the people on the sidewalk. after turning a street, i spotted the very man i was looking for trudging down the sidewalk as he stuffed his face with cheesecake.

grinning almost sadistically, i launched myself onto an empty rooftop, watching doppio trek down the street to a destination i knew nothing of.  following him with a skip in my step, i began to notice that several civilians had spotted me jumping from rooftop to rooftop, pointing to me and shrieking. yes, i was quite the sight to see, a person dressed as if they just hopped out of the victorian ages.

though, i guess they were yelling at the fact that i was simply there. you see, i dont try to cover myself up or hide when i kill someone, announcing my presence before disappearing to hunt down my target. sometimes, i would go after a couple and then kill one off, leaving the other to run and tell the story of their 'survival of morte noscosta'.

i really liked that name, morte noscosta. i was actually named by the public, the press calling me 'the killer from the shadows'. if i said that i didnt like the attention then i'd be lying, because im always up for a chase, whether it be chasing someone or someone chasing me (which usually were the police.)

several mothers, fathers, and children fled my sight, making a twisted grin form under my mask. the sensation of being feared, of being this empowered, makes my heart do flips. then again, i dont have much competition besides the mafia, which were an actual organization. i'm just another simple person compared to them, though it seems i have a higher kill count than any mafioso there, at least that's what i believe.

stopping in his tracks after hearing the series of screams, doppio turned around and faced me, his eyes widening significantly upon seeing a Gothic-Victorian dressed person in a skeleton mask. i mean, i dont think i would know how to react to seeing such a thing either, so i simply waved to him, putting my hands behind my back innocently as i backed away from his sight.

i hid a few moments, deciding he was most likely looking in the same direction i disappeared in, waiting for me to show myself again. that, however, wont happen. i crouched and scurried to the back of the building top i squatted on, using a link of barbed wire to swing myself from building to building in attempt to end up at the one doppio was standing idle next to.

through the spaces between the buildings i passed, i could see doppio frantically looking around, his entire body on high alert as he looked for any sign of me. it was adorable to watch how confused he was, his body tense and ready to attack. it was like a game of cat and mouse, only complicated. the cat would chase the mouse, corner it time after time, only to leave it alone just so it could chase it another day.

that was my relationship as morte noscosta, chasing around doppio time after time, only to spare him just so i could chase him again. im still dead set on killing him in the end, and nothing in this damn world will stop me from doing so. if he is to die, it will be by my hand, ive already put in too much work to let my attempts go to waste. i want him to know how important he is to me, not in a romantic way, but in a way of survival, of need.

"ring around the Rosie, a pocket full of posies~!" my voice bounced of the building i swung from, doppios eyes slowly following my movements. im unaware of how he managed to find where i was moving from, though it was most likely from his precognitive powers again. "ashes, ashes, we all fall down!"

rather annoyingly, doppio began to run down the street, trying to escape my sight and range. what a pitiful attempt, like a deer trying to outrun the gun of a hunter. sure, the bullet may miss the first few times, but eventually the hunter will have the antlers on the wall.

i swung off lamp post after lamp post, matching speed with the sprinting mafioso. "where ya going, sugar?" i giggled, taking a harsh left after doppio.

rather late, i had noticed we ended up in the cities square, where a large stone statue stood tall and stiff. launching myself in front of doppio, i planted my feet on the head of the statue, standing on top of the fountains main attraction. he froze, not in a manner of fear, but in a manner of relief. 

panting, doppio, put his hands on his knees, making me confused. it was rather irritating to see him not staring in fear at me, though i suppose i would learn his reasoning soon. "y-you!" he huffed. "i need to speak to you!"

i was taken aback, as i was sure he would announce he wanted fight me instead of wanting to speak. i nodded my head, letting him continue. standing up straight again, he gripped the suitcase in his hand tightly. "you.. are you aware you've been killing off passione members?"

"why, of course! i always know who im  picking off, most of the time at least.." i answered, my waist cape shifting in the gentle air.

he glared at me, his soft face contorting into a scowl. "why? do you have a reasoning?"

"its simply... a hobby of mine." i giggled, pulling out a throwing knife from its holster on my thigh. "i enjoy it, its a nice pass time.... the world could always use less people ya know!"

"those people you killed had done nothing to you! nothing at all!"

"ah, doppio," he froze, most likely from the shock of me knowing his name without asking for him.  "yes they have, in fact. not all of them in particular, but a certain group of people have... i used to be apart of the mafia, you know!"

doppio narrowed his eye at me. "what do you mean?"

"ah, i was so naive..." i hummed, sitting myself down on the statue head and flipping the knife between my fingers. "i really thought he loved me, yet i was labeled as a traitor over a simple... misunderstanding."

"what's your name?" he asked, his voice deeper  than before.

i giggled, "im morte! morte noscosta! a pleasure to meet you, doppio!"

"no, what's your real name."

i let out a small scoff, rolling my eyes at him. "ah-ah-ah~! im not telling you just yet, buster! you see, i-"

my sentence was cut off by doppio, who began to make ringing noises with his mouth. my eye began to twitch from irritation, being interrupted was not my favorite thing in the world. he snapped his head left and right, yelling something about a phone. a minute passed as he continued to search for something, picking up a stray brick and holding it to his ear.

i watched with curiosity, as this was a behavior i hadnt seen him exhibit before. he was talking into the brick, and to my surprise, something seemed to be talking back. "boss! i found that morte noscosta person!" he hummed into the phone, looking toward me as i gave him a small wave.

his face twisted into a confused expression as he looked dead into the holes of my mask, seemingly searching for my eyes. i tilted my head, curious as to who he was talking to and what they were talking about. "but- boss! why should we try to hire them? they're the ones killing off everyone!" he murmured into the phone, looking at a random shop to his left.

"but- i see.." he mumbled, flicking his eyes back toward me. "alright, ill let them know."

and with that, doppio sat the brick down onto the concrete below him, standing back up to face me. "well, it seems we have a job opportunity for you."

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Where stories live. Discover now