¤| Chapter Sixteen |¤

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Remembering my old books with my old kind of writing/how I wrote it, just... cringes me.

Oh wekp, can't change it. Not gonna.

AND, I swear something good will happen soon~ prepare the scream pillows.


.: Mono's P.o.V. :.

They quietly crept to the old shack, Mono reached for the knob and quietly opened the door. He peeked inside and saw it was clearly a storage shack, some light crept in from the only window and had many crates.

"What's inside?" Twenty-Three asked, Mono turned to her, "It's really a storage shack," he answered while opening the door wide. Twenty-Three looked around and blinked at one corner, tilting her head to the side and walking in.

"Twenty-Three? What are you doing?" He asked and Twenty-Three ignored him, he followed her. Twenty-Three lit her oil lamp and made it to the other end of the shack, she peeked on the side of a crate and lowered it to the ground. Blowing off some dust, there was a wooden trapdoor, looked a but worn down like the shack, but was wide enough for some very big monster/person to enter.

"Huh, probably it's more than a storage," she said while crouching down, Mono crouched down beside her and they opened the trapdoor. Under it was a metal stairway going down and the cold air breezed out to them, Mono was glad he had a paperbag to block the breeze, but still felt cold. Twenty-Three turned to Mono, "Let's investigate?"

Mono nodded, "Sure," he mumbled and Twenty-Three went down, Mono carefully climbed in with his ladle and closed the trapdoor. He followed the oil lamp's light and they made it to a metal door with a lock.

Mono looked around and saw the keys hung next to the door by a hook, he grabbed it and tried the first key. The door unlocked and he opened it, there was a screech of the door hinges as it was opened wide.

On the other side was darkness, and it was freezing cold. Twenty-Three went in first with her lamp and lit the way. They went inside the what seemed like a long wide freezing hallway, the farther they walked, there was some light, but it was weak. It smelled quite different too, moldy and... some other smell that Mono couldn't even describe as. They walked on, passing through bars that the lamp lit and some crates, Twenty-Three inspected her surroundings before freezing up like the cold hall.

"What's wrong?" Mono asked in a hush tone and Twenty-Three motioned her lamp to where she was staring at, Mono fixated his gaze to where Twenty-Three was pointing and froze too.

With the lamp's light and the bit of light coming from the hall, they managed to see that the bars were cells. Most were open, but some had animals and some sleeping children in it. But the one that caught Twenty-Three's attention was the one wider cell with a tall big figure.

The figure was big enough for the Janitor's height and seemed to be in a crouched posistion. It was amazing how this figure managed to fit in the hall, or the doors. The figure gruffed, shuffling around in the cell. Mono could hear the chains rattling at their every movement, it seemed restless.

"Why... why does it look familiar?" Twenty-Three mumbled, the figure rumbled and tried to reach out for the cells, but the chains restrained them to do so. Twenty-Three inched back and gripped tight on Mono's hand, she was right. The figure does look familiar.

There was footsteps overhead and it echoed through the hall, the trapdoor was opened. Twenty-Three jolted, "Uh, what was that?" She asked in a hushed tone.

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