chapter 1

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I run as fast as my legs will carry me though the woods. Something is back there and its chasing me. I dont know what it is. It looks human but then it has a chunk out of its neck, its covered in blood, and it killed my mother. Now its after me and if i let it get to me, i bet it will kill me. I jump over a  fallen  tree and fall to the ground. I hear the thing getting closer and closer. I let out a scream for help. Something moving to my right catches my attention. I see someone pointing a gun at the thing coming. The boy shoots and the thing falls. He helps me up.

He says " Hi im Taylor. "

The boy had brown hair and bright blue eyes, he was tall and totally gorgeous.


That was almost 2 years ago. Im still with Taylor. He has kept me safe and hes the only person i trust as of right now. He has taught me alot. Like how to shoot a gun, how to find food, how to kill a walker. Almost everything i know has came from him. I owe him everything. Without him i would be one of them right now.  He saved my life so many times. Theres this one time. I remember ever detail of it. 


I watch as Taylor goes into my old house. I slowly follow him not knowing if my mother is still in there. 

I say " Taylor, wait. "

He turns to look at me.

He says " What? "

I say " This is my old house. My mother is in here somewhere if nobody got to here. "

He says "where at?"

I say " Down the hall first room on the right. "

He starts walking down there. I hear something come from behind me. I turn and feel something go to my neck. A knife. 

I say "Taylor?"

He quickly come in here and freezes. My breathing gets heavy and i start to stare while being scared.

"Hello Taylor. "

Taylor looks at me in the eyes. 

I say " Taylor, stop blaming yourself. Im okay. "

He says " You dont understand Allicia. Thats my father. "

" Damn right i am. Now tell me little girl. Whats your name?"

Taylor says "Wait dad. Claimed. "

The man pushes me into Taylor and he catches me. Taylor quickly points his gun at the man and shoots without thinking. The man falls to the ground holdinig his knee. Taylor quickly grabs my hand and pulls me with him. 

~End of flashack~

Ill never forget that day. He shot his own father just to save my life. He could of let me die. Not like i have a chance of living without him. Were all gonna die anyways. So i guess it dont really matter. 

"What are you thinking about? "

I say "memories."

He says "Good or bad?"

I say "Bad. "

He says "Why?"

I say " I dont know. I was thinking of my mom. "

He says "oh. Well do you wanna stop for the night? Make a camp or something? "

I say "Yeah sure. Do we have any food. "

He says "Yeah a little. "

I say "Awesome."

We find a little spot on the side of the road and set out stuff down. I find a few peices of wood and some leaves. I make a fire and start warming up some food. 

Taylor says " My father is a bad man Allicia."

I say "Mine to. Dont feel bad. "

He says "He would have raped you. If i wasnt there you would of been his little sex doll. Just like my sister. "

I say "But you were there and you saved me. Taylor you did everything right. You saved my life. Thanks to you im still here. Why do you feel bad? "

He says "Because thanks to me you also could of been dead. "

I say " Thats not true. He could of did something even if you were not there. He could of killed me or raped me or whatever he does, but because of you Taylor. You, he didnt do not a  thing. You saved my life and i owe you everything. "

He says " I just wish i could of saved my sisters life. Thats why im so protective of you. You remind me of her alot. Its like you took her place. Your like my little sister. "

I say " And its like your my big brother. "

I mix up the food with a plastic fork i had in my bag. I hand a can of corn to Taylor.

I say " Here eat this. "

He says " What about you? "

I say " I already ate today. You havent.  "

He looks me in the eyes and sighs, taking a bite of food. 

He says " This is good. "

I say " No your just hungry. Like i said you havent ate today. Plus i have some chips in here. "

He says "  We can both share. "

I say " Okay deal. "

I pull out my cheetos and move to sit next to him. We sit there and eat and talk. 


Once we were done eating Taylor takes first watch and i lay down covering my self up with the blanket. After about 20 minutes of just laying there i see something move acrossed the street. 

I say " Taylor, did you see that? "

He says " Yeah. I did. "

I say "Who's there? We dont wanna hurt you."

Two men, a kid, and a woman comes out and walks to us with guns pointed. I quickly get up and go behind Taylor with a gun pointed as well. 

one of the men say " Im Rcik. We dont want to hurt you. "

I say "The lower the weapon. "

He says " I cant do that. Im sorry. I dont know you and i cant take any chances on my family getting hurt. "

I say " Do you guys have a place to stay? "

Rick says " The county prison just a few miles up the road. Its clear and safe. Would you be interested in staying? "

I say " I would actually. "

Taylor says " What. Allicia you dont know these people. "

I say " They said it was safe. Its better than fighter for our lives everyday for what? Each other? Theres nothing out here for us Taylor. Nothing. In there? Maybe we have a chance as survival. "

He says " You right. "

He lowers his weapon and i do to. I put it in my holster and look at the group infront of us.

I say " Is there anyways you could take us in? "

He says " you can stay there yes. But we have to get to know you better to see if you can stay. If you have to leave we will give you food adn stuff. "

I say " Taylor i want to leave with them. "

He says " Okay, start packing. "


Once we finished packing, me and Taylor join te groupand start heading to this prison. 

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