To be sure of my safety I kept a gun in my hand.

Really not going to play this time. I am not going to go wrong.

Today I am Kang Yuja. Back to the times when I was fearless, cruel and..

All in devotion to Jeon Jungkook, suddenly my mind whispered

"The rooms aren't a five stars motel but I'm not gonna say no." Jungkook turned around and immediately looked down at my hand. "Oh, your Lara Croft act. I have forgotten about it."

"You talk too much." I mumbled avoiding his eyes.

"Haven't you missed it? You always said it's the most soothing tone. You asked me to sing something for you when you were trying to fall asleep." He smiled but quickly hide his teeth under a sneaky grin.

"And you did." I clenched the pistol.

Jungkook shrugged and went straight to the fridge probably trying to sneak out some food.

My plan was super basic. One moment I was frightened that it's already going too easily? How was this possible? He willingly went with me.. And most importantly, didn't hide away from me.

Looking at him opening the little lid of yogurt and carelessly swallowing it like a drink I remembered how he shooed me away from him and Mishil.

I bit my cheek from madness.

That minute back then, I obviously felt like the world had shattered into pieces.

Not because I preferred to be with him.. Those priorities have changed a long time ago. I will never forgive him for all the girls and other crimes.

I wasn't jealous..
Okay.. Maybe a bit. A tiny little bit. Only because I lost my position as his favorite member. As his favorite left hand. As his endless romance interest.

All my life I was thinking of how I will keep him near myself for sooooo sooo long.

But Jungkook unfortunately inhaled some dark dust and invited all the demons in his mind.. Left me alone and chose others.

'how dare he' I was asking myself in my mind.

"Was Mishil your new pray?" I asked him.

Jungkook chuckled and took another yogurt.

"Why did you tell me to go away?" I insisted him to answer me.

"Why did you give me to Min Yoongi and then pulled me back to you again? If you really hate me and don't ever want me back in your stupid army, why? Why did you try to claim me back? But at the same time not stop your dirty murders which you need to be punished for?

Jungkook didn't answer but stopped eating. He aggressively dropped the plastic cup to a sink and went towards me. While being quiet, reached for my hand and pushed me, making my body appear on the table.

"Stop." He pointed his letters as if they were making him hurt to speak. I sat on the table with a heart full of quick beats. "Stop, you're going too far, girl."

"I'm not too far. I am at the right place to ask all of these questions. Don't you want to make a rehearsal, anyways? You will be asked the same things at the court, my dear." I fakely smirked hoping him to retrieve away from me but he leaned even more letting me see his pointed sharp jawline tightening even more.

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