"Come on Zaman i was just getting your mind off the track. You have been so messed up these days."

Zaman didn't say anything but scowled. It wasn't that he could runaway from him. Bazil was the only person who he was transparent to.

"For the love of Allah just come to living room. We need to talk."

Next two hours they spent with many files, photocopies, pictures and disks of cctv camera footages scattered on the table before them as they linked many evidences with one another.

Bazil's sharp interrogative mind was a helping hand and Zaman's way of thinking. Always coming up with bunch of plans, chaining events after events and ending up with a solid proofs.

After a break to eat something, they were joined by Junaid and Abkaram.

Junaid turned his laptop to the three and showed what he had found. "Bhai, see that car stopped near the Taaj hotel, in the break of the day. I have taken many footages but can't get to the number plate of the vehicle. I even talked to folks around but they didn't know anything about a car like this. Pretty pathetic!"

He resumed the recording "These two lads that stepped down are cladded in black. I don't know but bhai whenever we are on a misson we always dress black. It means he is on a mission too."

"It doesn't go for everyone." Zaman retorted with a straight face. He didn't know why this little shit was even hired by him?

"Probably its only us who choose black when we are about to execute something." Abkaram rubbed his stubble.

"Dumbass! He means that black gives suspicious vibes." Bazil with his assumptions once again!

Junaid gave Bazil a look as if you-got-me-man. Even tho sometimes Bazil and Juniad never got along but for work they were one, they had to.

"Khair. Move on!" It was Zaman, his eyes glued to the screen. Nimra or Zmaryal, only if any of them was alive,  it wouldn't have been this puzzling.

A loud sigh.

"Ok the next is that— i am tracing down the number plate. I have zoomed in a lot and now that the image is perfectly ruined but still what do you see? How do you see these digits?"

Abkaram shrugged, "i think its 2 and 4."

"8 and 8."

"It's probably 3 and 8."


"Really!" Zaman mouthed. "Anyways Bazil see if there are any FIRs registered regarding any cars bein' stolen away with number plate 2488 or 2438."

"I would let you know soon."

"I think we all have night for cognition. Think wisely!"


It hunt him. These faces never let him sleep.

In the chilly foggy night, he strolled around in the living room. A dark coloured shawl covered his torso.

He wondered how long will this all go? How many more lives? It had been days and no clue was found. No car was reported stollen.

It only meant that these shady men owned that car in which they had come or may be they weren't culprits, may be they were just some citizens that had come for some work.

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