3 Questions

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This chapter gets dark and it also clears up A LOT of things with Rachel and everyone else. ALSO my friend spoiled the EAH books for me so now I'm sad. ANYWAYS...




"I think it's time you explain what happened to each of you because all of us are a little bit confused." Raven said, breaking the silence and tension between everyone. "3 questions each?" Raven asked everyone on the table and slowly everyone gave a nod.

"I'll start with Rachel; since this is probably the least important question. How do you know all the fairy-tale characters?" Raven asked directing  the question to her sister.

"I know all the fairy tale characters because when I was little, I was able to hang out with everyone; that's also why I have so many necklaces. We would make them together depending on their story and colours and then I would wear all of them; kinda like a remembrance present. But they are also a symbol of trust because in each one of these necklaces, contains a little bit of magic from that character and is there for me to use, when I need to of course," Rachel replied, picking up every single necklace while explaining.

"Who's your father?" Apple asked, interrupting the moment between the sisters.

"Apple!" Snow White commanded before Rachel smiled.

"No, it's fine. Mum met my dad during one of the current Big Bad Wolf's parties. He was from wonderland and came to visit but fell in love with Mother. But things got tough when I was born. My dad never told her that he was a werewolf and she found out when I was born. She didn't exactly take it well and soon Dad moved out and she took her anger out on me. I haven't met my father since I was born," Rachel said finishing her meal.

Wow that's one of the best tragic origin stories if I've ever heard one

"Hybrid you don't need to be that vocal about it you know," Rachel said, out of the blue looking towards the sky.

"Wait you can hear them too?" Maddie asked the werewolf with an excited expression as the girl nodded.

"Normally Brooke narrates the stories but recently I've just been hearing Hybrid and her friend  Batsy the whole time" Rachel replies, leaving Raven and Apple shocked and speechless.

"I think we should move on from voices we can hear and not see," Spoke Queen Snow as she finished her meal.

"I'm sorry if this get's dark knowing our mother but, why did you lie about not remembering what happened to you?" Raven asked, surprising Rachel and the others at the table.

Rachel sighed and answered.


"I heard you ran away and tried to warn Snow, you should have known that she wouldn't have helped . None of them would help a villain, the sooner you learn that the better."

"Mother what...what are you talking about?"

"A villain isn't allowed  to fall in love or have a happy ending. Your the result of a failed experiment. But when Raven is born, she will be the next Evil Queen and ACTUALLY WANT to be evil! I'm going to leave you here to rot with your thoughts knowing that your sister was the successor you could never be."

End of Flashback---

"She hated that I was right, so I think about 10 years ago she put me into that coma spell" Rachel said with tears in her eyes while staring at the table with a blank face.

Raven came over to the werewolf and gave her a tight hug saying "Thank you for protecting me; Mother was never easy on me either. Maybe we can start over as sisters, we could find your father and maybe you can reconnect with your friends?".

"Tetris, I know you probably hate me right now and want to get far away from me as possible but take Raven's offer maybe, I don't know you can-" Snow White was interrupted by Rachel hugging her, surprising everyone else at the table.

"I forgive you Snow. You were my oldest friend so having you send me back to her scared me. I understand now why you did that and I think it's time we stop dwelling on our past mistakes," Tetris letting go of Snow before giving Maddison and Raven a hug respectively. "And I would love it if you could help me find my father," The werewolf answered and smiled.

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