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My friend guessed one of the plot twisted of this story SO I'M MAKING IT DARKER. ANYWAYS


She looked at her friends because of their sudden silence to find them staring frighteningly at Rachel pointing. When Raven turned back to look at the werewolf, she found that Rachel was staring at each of the girls.

"Mo..MOTHER!! WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!?!" Rachel screamed before running out of the room  on all fours surprising and scaring the girls. 

"Did she just call Raven her mother? Geez that girl must have some mummy problems," Maddie said to Raven and Apple as they started to run after Rachel.

Maddie, the girls fine. Your dad found her and they're talking in the main hall next to the grove. You can slow down.

"Wait, where's Brooke? She normally narrates the stories" Maddie asked, seeming more confused than both her friends.

She's taking a break so I'm just gonna narrate the story for now. ANYWAYS....HURRY

"Ok, thanks narrator. GUYS you can stop running; we need to go to the main hall next to the grove!" Maddie yelled to the other girls, who confusedly decided to follow the hatter.

They came to the hall and went outside to the grove to find the Mad Hatter hugging and comforting the young werewolf.

"Rachel, it's ok. She won't hurt you anymore; she's not here. Tetris please let go, we need explain everything to you and to the children now," the hatter asked in a gentle manner which was enough to make the girl let go and sit next to Maddison Hatter with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Wait I thought your name was Rachel not Tetris. Dad how do you and Queen White know her?" Maddie asked, giving Rachel the shocked expression.

"Tetris was my nickname but everyone called me that and it soon became my second name. Also DAD?!? How long was I missing?" Rachel asked, confusing everyone even more.

"It's been 15 years Rachel. Everybody thought you were dead since no one was able to find you. But we found you this morning in the attic under an aged coma spell, (Puts you in a coma without ageing you at all)  luckily we got you here and we were able to wake you up" the hatter answered before taking a deep breathe. "Let's start at the beginning what was the last thing you remember my dear?" Maddison asked, causing Rachel to tear up while having a blank expression.


"Snow! SNOW! Please help me! My mother...she...she went crazy! She's trying to kill me!

"Rachel what are you talking about? Regina said you ran away from home"

"No! Snow please believe me! She's lying! She said she'll get rid of me as soon as Raven is born!"

"Rachel Tetris QUEEN! I am not playing along with your game! Regina will be here to take you home and I suggest you stop arguing with me!"

"You don' don't believe me?  Please! Don't let her take me! Don't let her take me! Please I don't want to die! Snow! SNOW!!"

End of Flashback---

"I...I don't remember everything. Just signing the name papers to officially call me Rachel Tetris Queen. I don't remember anything the next day" Rachel lied as the rest of the girls looked at her with shocked expressions

"Wait, your full name is Rachel Tetris Queen?" Raven asked, shocked if what she heard was correct which turned out to be true thanks to Rachel's nod.

"Rachel, I know your still in shock from waking up but this is  Raven Queen, your half sister." Maddison introduced the two which caused the girls to looked shocked at each other.

The staring was broken by Rachel grabbing Raven and bringing her into a tight hug. Raven passed her shock quickly before hugging her sister back. They stayed like this for a minute before they heard a plate drop and shatter nearby to them.

The girls split apart to see Snow White with tears in her eyes staring at Rachel and Raven.


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