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This is a dedication to my friend @BatsyDweeb who wants so cute fluff moments with other fairy tale characters so imma deliver. ANYWAYS.....


Rachel was walking in the halls of Snow White's castle along with Raven and Apple. Maddie had left with her father after dinner time so the girls decided to go to their bedrooms.

"Rachel, since you don't have a room, I guess you can sleep with me," Raven announced as they three waking into the northern wings of the castle.

"Actually I was going to stay in my old room. I wonder if Snow did something to it while I was...away," Rachel pondered as she turned to face a door to her left. She took a deep breathe before opening the door and stepping inside.

 The room looked like it hasn't been touch in over 10 years (Which it hadn't) with random items scattered over the floor and table. On the table lay many books with a specific one open down the middle with water stains marking the pages. The stains looked as if they came from different time periods while smelling musty. Back to the room; the walls were painted a deep dark green with black silhouettes of trees on top. The room looked scarily plain with only a bed, table, bookshelf and a perch that looked as if it once supported a large bird. 

"Looks like Snow didn't change a thing with my room," Rachel spoke, walking over to the mysterious perch and staring at the pile of ashes that had a rainbow tint underneath it. Rachel  smiled to herself before touching the ashes, causing them to spiral in the air and merge together to form a rainbow coloured phoenix. The phoenix took a moment to look around before it jumped onto Rachel and held her like it was giving the girl a hug.

Apple and Raven looked at each other puzzled with what the were wolf was hugging. Rachel managed to pull the over excited phoenix of her before laughing and saying "Good to see you too Blaise". Rachel gestured to the phoenix before gesturing to the two girls that stood in the doorway. "Guys this my partner in crime, Blaise. Blaise, this is my sister Rave and her friend (*cough*cough* Girlfriend *cough*cough*) I mean girlfriend, Apple White," Rachel said as the girls got acquainted with her partner phoenix.


"My mother never told me about this room, actually I never even knew this room existed!" Apple exclaimed as she and Raven stopped playing with Blaise and headed for the door.

"Thanks for helping me get settled in guys. Even though this isn't the best situation and you probably didn't expect to spend your summer vacation helping a werewolf-girl find her father, thank you," Rachel said before the girls left the room. 

Raven smiled and replied "Of course I would help, after all you are my sister. Also we kinda got used to these kinds of problems. I hope you sleep well. We'll visit Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf tomorrow but goodnight!". Raven leaves and closes the door behind her, leaving Rachel with only her thoughts and Blaise.

'Goodnight to you too, dear sister' Rachel thought to herself as she lay in her bed, planning her revenge and redemption.....

>:) I can finally make a dark ending for a cliffhanger!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and story so far. If you loved it, make sure to vote it!



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