Meeting and Greeting AGAIN

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MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I searched up Big Bad Wolf's name bc I wanted to get some cannon material.... I searched up the others as well

 I searched up the others as well

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.



The next morning, Raven, Rachel and Apple were walking through the Enchanted Forest towards the Big Bad Wolf's home which was having guests over.

"Who do they have over?" Rachel suddenly asked, stopping the other two who looked at the werewolf with confusion.

Chessur and her daughter, Kitty

"Is that the narrator your talking to" Apple said, breaking the sudden silence.

"Yea she told me whe-" Rachel was suddenly lunged at by a red blur.

The red blur turned out to be Cerise who was trying to tackle Rachel to the ground as a sudden Kitty appeared and was laughing. Apple and Raven looked between their two friends and then back at Rachel who started laughing along with Kitty.

"Stop laughing stranger! Do you think it's funny to try and sneak up on my friends?!" Cerise said as she held Rachel to the ground while she and Kitty were balling their eyes out from laughing. Cerise looked at her girlfriend and asked very confusedly "Kitty why are you laughing? You said that there was someone trying to sneak up on Raven and Ap-ple.". 

"I would start with a proper greeting but this should do. Hi, I'm guessing your Ramona? My name is Rachel and I'm here to see your father, Big Bad Wolf. Also, nice going Kitty; you had me confused for a second, that's the best I've ever been pranked and I used to hang out with your mother.," Rachel said as Cerise finally let go of the other werewolf out of pure shock.

"My name is Cerise actually, how do you know my father? And HOW do you know Kitty?" Cerise said breaking out of her shock while Kitty teleported behind Cerise and gave her a comforting hug.

"Listen I know this probably sounds crazy because I look the exact same age as you but I was an old friend with all of our parents and I need his help. Kitty knows me because the narrator let's us talk to each other" Rachel said as she teleported exactly like a Cheshire and appeared right next to Raven. 

"Cerise your dad is the-" Apple said before Cerise cut off with " the Big Bad Wolf yeah". Cerise changed her attitude to defensive and started talking to Rachel "Since your friends with my friends I'll trust you for now, stray. But don't even think of hurting anyone in my pack." 


Cerise entered her cabin as a house to find her parents and the Cheshire cat talking with each other while Ramona stood in the background observing the adults. Kitty teleported next to Cerise while Raven and Apple walking in behind Cerise. " Mum, Dad! Someone is here to see you" Cerise said as Rachel appeared next to Cerise, using her Cheshire teleporting.

The whole cabin was thrown into silence besides Red Riding Hood dropping a plate, causing it to smash against the wooden floors. The three parents did nothing, said nothing. They just stared at Rachel with shocked expressions; Cheshire had tears forming in her eyes before she started laughing and pointing .

"Nice to see you too Chessur. I see that Midas finally proposed to Blanchette and you guys kept your promises," Rachel broke the silence which also snapped the three parents out of their trances.

Blachette (Red Riding Hood) pointed at her daughters and Kitty without breaking her gaze at Rachel and spoke "Cerise, Ramona and Kitty; the exact names you picked for our daughters. Except I named our first born Cerise instead because she was originally supposed to be the next Badwolf.(I will explain this later) Rachel I-". Blanchette rushed over to Rachel and gave her a huge hug which was soon followed up by Chessur and then Midas who had tears in his eyes.

"I'd never thought I'd see the Cheshire Wolf in my house again," Midas (Big Bad Wolf) laughed while breaking his hug with Rachel.

Rachel took a deep breathe and replied "It's great to see you guys and I'll explain everything that happened to me later but right now, I need your help to find my father. Mother said that he's still alive and he managed to get away but I need to find him. She also said that she will put the blame on him, knowing her, that means that she'll curse him".

Cerise and Ramona who still weren't caught up got up and asked "Wait, who's your mother and father then? And why does she sound like the Evil Queen type?".

Rachel stopped smiling for a second before she looked at Ramona dead in the eyes and said "Because my father, a Wonderlandian werewolf, married my mother, the Evil Queen or Regina as her real name suggests"

OK imma do a explanation chapter for the next one that explains how Kitty and Rachel know each other, and other...... Cerise knowledge.( Can you tell that these two are my favorite characters?)

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