Welcome to Lee Academy

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"Hi, good afternoon, boys, I am Beth," she introduced herself, smiling pleasantly, "I'll be your housemother here at Lee Academy."

Both boys said hello to Beth, as they sat up on their beds.

"I see that both of you have unpacked and put away your belongings, that's good to see. Supper will be in about two hours or so, but first there are a few things that we will have to go over. I know I might look young to you boys, but I want you to regard me similarly as you would your mom, and be able to discuss any problems you have with me. How does that sound to you?"

Both boys nodded affirmatively. At that point, Beth walked over to the corner and took the stool and moved it toward the middle of the room, in front of a small table, and sat down.

"How about coming over here? I have a few more things to go over with you and I would like to have you two standing in front of me."

Both boys got off the bed and walked over to Beth, standing in front of her, as she wished.

"Now, as I said, I would like you to regard me as your mom. I certainly hope I can be a kind 'mom' to you and the rest of the boys of our section, but, having been a housemother last year, as well as having two younger brothers, I know that it is true that 'boys will be boys'. When that happens, I am afraid that I will have to assume the role of a 'strict' mom and act accordingly."

With those remarks, Beth reached over to Chris, who was standing to Beth's left, and began to unbuckle his belt.

"Wh...what are you doing?" Chris' eyes opened wide in surprise as he felt and saw his housemother undo his belt. As she completely unbuckled his belt, and then unbuttoned the top of his jeans, Beth responded to Chris' question.

"Oh, I think you know the answer to your own question, Chris. I don't want any misunderstanding about what is expected of you and what the consequences would be if you misbehave while at Lee Academy."

As she spoke, she continued with the boy's undressing, as she unzipped his jeans and pulled them down to his knees. Leaving him standing there, blushing, with his underpants on display, Beth turned to Jon, who was wide-eyed himself, as he watched Beth undress Chris. When Beth reached for Jon, he made the mistake of pulling back and away from Beth.

"Now, Jon, I don't think that is a good idea. Resisting is not something I look kindly on."

Taking a firm grip on the waistband of Jon's pants, she forced him to stand in front of her as she prepared him. Once his pants were down at his knees, she turned him to his right, leaving him sideways to her.





Beth had reached back and gave Jon two resounding spanks on the seat of his briefs, causing Jon to yell out and then reach back to rub the sore spot caused by the hard spanks. She then turned Jon back toward her, leaving both boys facing her.

"Now then, now that both of you are almost ready, it's time for the two of you to go across my knees, just like other boys do when they are naughty and their moms intend to spank them."

Patting her knees, Beth indicated to the boys where she wanted them. Beth was tall, and sitting on the stool, her long legs provided a wide 'platform', very suitable for taking two younger boys across her lap at the same time. Embarrassed, the two boys walked over to Beth's right hand side, as she indicated, and with Jon on the inside, they both went over their new housemother's knees, and Beth helped them get into position. As embarrassed as they were, it was about to get more embarrassing, as Beth grabbed the waistband of Jon's underpants and slowly tugged them down, gradually exposing his bare backside, which displayed a couple of red splotches from the two spanks he received earlier. This time, Jon knew better than resist, although he did come out with a moan, which alerted Chris, on what was happening.

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