Chapter 6

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As soon as we got in lines, my train of thought was lost. As I stood looking forward, I couldn't help but notice the amount of work the girl that stood in front of me had gone through, both physically and mentally. Throughout the day I saw everyone struggle but her, she was prepared. She stood up right, fit, and ready with pride and confidence, something I lacked. The last month before my deployment all I did was binge Netflix and eat junk food while she was probably at the gym, eating 3 healthy meals a day.

Jealousy is a disease, it's probably the worst feeling you could ever develop inside yourself. It eats you up and it doesn't stop until you poison yourself with anger and frustration yet I couldn't help but feel this way. Every girl here looked somewhat prepared and I was just lost. I didn't get to make a choice I just had one way to fix the problems at home, and it was fast clean money the military could provide.

Still lost, everyone began to move so I followed but I must've missed when someone said "STOP!" because before I knew everyone had halted and my feet were still on the move. I stopped as soon and as silently as I could but it was too late, Carter was already in front of me.

A knot built in my throat. "Which part of 'STOP NOW' do you not understand?" He questioned with authority.

My palms began to sweat and I tried to apologize but as soon as I opened my mouth to say something, nothing but a hoarse and low 'sorry' managed to get out. "What was that?" he inched closer. As I mustered the courage to speak out loud enough for him to hear, a loud whisper was heard from a guy.

"Yeah spit it out waffle." A surge of laughter began within the group. As I looked forward I could see the stares of pity from Laura and Harper and the pair of eyes who taunted me in laughter. 

"DID ANYONE TELL YOU TO SPEAK ?" Carter snapped immediately.

The boy with amber black hair cleared his throat and his facial expression fell serious. "No, Sir"

"I can't hear you with all that bullshit in your mouth!" Carter spit back.

"NO, SIR!" He replied this time louder. "Good, now shut your mouth, drop and give me 20." The man who looked no older than 22 years old dropped to the floor and effortlessly did the 20 push-ups demanded from him. "Eyes up! you look at him, you join." Carter let out as warning. As soon as the man got back on his feet he cleaned the dirt in his palms off his clothes and fell in a position of attention.

Carter walked to the front of the small group making sure everyone had his attention, then spoke. "I want everyone to understand something, and this applies to everyone! I don't care what type of differences you have, you will respect each other and will address each other with said respect. If I ever catch any of you making fun of your peers, you will be running miles until you drop, IS THAT MADE CLEAR?" A loud and harmonized "Yes, sir" was chorused from the group. As soon as that was established he lead the group in an organized fashion towards the bunks.

"PLATOON, HALT!!" the command was given and loud stomping of our feet came to an end. "LEFT, FACE!!" The platoon faced the bunkers. "Listen carefully for your names and those of the people you will be grouped with." Carter went on to list the names of those were in each group. Once he was done he continued "These bunkers hold a pair of bunk beds each, meaning four people are able to sleep in each bunker. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. Four people per bunker is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Girls are to be with only girls and boys are to be only grouped with boys. Throughout the day you will take part in activities and drills that will have cross-gender procedures, HOWEVER no boys or girls are to share bunkers. Next, a supervisor will sleep in your bunk one night out of the week, for the first three weeks to ensure everyone is following procedures. THERE ARE NIGHT SECURITY CHECKS! ANY RULES THAT ARE BROKEN WILL RESULT IN PUNISHMENT! and finally, guys there in only one bathroom per bunker BE CLEAN. Inspections will take place every Tuesday. Is there any questions?"

The group stayed silent.

"Great. Now please listen as I call for bunker numbers. Once you hear your number fall out of formation, go to the bunker you were assigned and unload tomorrow is only a few hours away so get some rest." Carter dismissed the groups one number at a time. I listened carefully until  'bunker #4' was called out. I quickly grabbed my stuff from the floor and did as I was instructed. My bag was clearly still not cooperating with me as I struggled to carry it, I held it up for as long as I could until my limbs began to tremble and the bag collapsed on the ground. Great, amazing I love my life.

I extend my arm to reach for the dang heavy thing when it was lifted from the ground by someone else. I look up to meet a pair of blue eyes and a blonde pixie cut. "I figured you needed a hand."

"Oh no it's okay, I can do it." I insisted knowing she already had her own bag to carry. "We're going in the same direction anyway. Bunker #4, right?" She questioned as she lifted my bag effortlessly and proceded to walk towards the bunker. "Yeah, my name is Ava by the way." I said tailing her.

"Harper." she replied curtly. I followed her up the steps of the bunker. The room was nice and spacey, there was a wide glass window on the east wall of the room and just like Carter had mentioned two pair of bunk beds. At the further wall there was a short narrow hallways with a door at the end. Harper walked closer to the beds and began propping the bags on the floor when I noticed another bag, this one was opened and laying next to the other bunk bed. At that same exact moment the door at the end of the hall opened and a figure walked out. A certain relief came over my body as I was met by a familiar freckled face. The girl held two toothbrushes in her hand."They really weren't kidding when they said we clean everything with toothbrushes, huh?"

Her eyes settled on Harper and I. "Hi guys!" she left the toothbrushes in the bathroom and walked in the room to formally say 'hi.' "My name is Laura and yours?"

"Harper" Harper responded while unzipping her bag. "Ava" I answered right after. "Wait, I spoke to you earlier didn't I?" Laura asked directed at me. I nodded my head quietly, walking over to my bag. "Well any ground rules? I call bottom bunk." said Laura.

I was about to say bottom bunk when Harper cut in, "Me too, I hate top bunk." They both watched for my reaction. I shrugged. "Well I guess I get top bunk." I really didn't mind it, It was just a preference.

"Gotta be quicker than that." Laura and Harper began to laugh. "Well I'm going to hop in the shower and sleep since they're gonna wake us up early tomorrow." said Harper swinging her towel over her shoulder and walking down the hall into the bathroom. One by one we all took a shower and laid down to rest. My stomach churned with anticipation and nerves. Laura seemed to be nervous as well. "Are you guys nervous?" She asked, but Harper was long asleep so I answered. "A little." turning in my bed. That was a lie, I could have a heart attack anytime soon.

I twisted and turned in my bed until eventually I drifted off to sleep. I was peacefully sleeping, that is until someone barged into our bunker yelling "HURRY UP COME ON, GET UP, DRESSED AND READY TO GO!! LETS GOOO!"


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, let me know how you are liking it so far, I love hearing from you guys. Remember to hit the star for a new chapter :)

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