I walked down the dark street fear and paranoia found its way into my bones soaking me heavy I have no idea where I'm at, I look around cautiously I see a man stalking in my direction, I speed up my walking fear seeping further in making my heart leap in my throat, this man going to kill me.

I relaxed my walking acting cool till the man walked past me but, the man took ahold of my arm tightening his grip.

"Hey, what are you doing out here alone, especially in that." He whispered while I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Get the hell off me," I growled, yanking my arms away. "fucking touch me again you won't see the light of day," I warned he kept stepping towards me and leading me to take a step back till my back hit a wall, "What did you just say to me, bitch." His breath smelt of whiskey and cigars. I clenched my fist "I'm sure I don't have to repeat myself, do you really want to test my ability to knock you on your ass?" I grinned knowing it would piss him off, he turns to swing at me but, I took his arm twisted it back and hit him right in his groin ,after he fell to the ground on his knees with a groan I kneed him in his nose, I bent down. "I told you not to fuck with me." I walked to the end of the ally and turned the corner and ran into someone. I looked up to see a familiar face, no way I thought, "Kate?" The person interrupted my thoughts. "Dad? I thought you were dead, Mom said you died."

"Kate you have to go." Dad pushes me "Dad, stop shoving me, why are you alive. You had a funeral and everything you are supposed to be dead." He sighed. " Kate this isn't the time to ask questions you have to go and don't tell your mom you seen me." Is he joking right now? "Dad you've been gone for three years, Mom has been dreading over your death. You are a sick man Dad." I yelled. "Kate it was for you and your mothers' protection." I huffed. "Sure it was. It was good for me to experience death to someone close to me it was okay for me to cry every night missing you! Of course, it was for my protection to lose my father, you are one sick man." Tears brimming my eyes threating to spill over. " Go away dad. I can't deal with you right now. I'm done." I walked away from him. "Kate I'm in trouble, I can't be seen with you. They'll take you I can't have that happen." His eyes grow distant. "Who would take me, dad, what the hell are you on about. You know what, I don't even care about this." I spin on my heel and heading towards the street ignoring the calls from my father. "Kate?" I look up to see Luke. "Luke, why aren't you at the concert?" He sighed. "Ashton lost it when you left. So I came to look for you and-" He looks down at my wrists. "What happened to your wrist?" I looked down at my wrist seeing purplish bruising starting to form on them. Damn that bitch got me good. I thought to myself. "Um, I ran into some trouble, I'm okay though." Luke cleared his throat and continued. "We are going back to the stadium and you need to calm Ashton down he started breaking shit and started to swing at Calum." My eyes widened. "Shit, okay we better get going." He led me to his car and we drove to meet the boy who made me leave in the first place.

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