Extra #5

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"Oh that's no good.."

Ten's whole smiley persona had changed in an instant. Even in his voice the tone began to deepen more then usual.. The man was looking around at me, focused on the movement of my eyes and hands. He liked Zoey, I knew that for a fact.. However, he was only focused on me. What's up with that? Is he that mad I stole Zoey ?...
With all the thoughts in my mind, Zoey immediately speaks out, "Why did you bring Ten here Rose? Like he could do anything to us."
"Well... I brought him here because he told me to."
"Told you too?" I questioned.
"He told me to watch Zoey..."
Ten adds, "In case she'd end up running around with someone else.. But I didn't know it would be Felix..again."
Rose gasps, " You told me I was yours?! We even-" Ten cut her off, "The Devil knows no kindness, not even to his son."

And then it hit me..

I grabbed Zoey and walked backwards. Softly I whispered into her ear, "Run and whatever happens don't look back." She shakes her head.
"No, Felix." She begs.

"She can run where ever she wishes I'll still find her after I'm done with you." He says with a smirk.
Ten the rips a door off of a near by locker and throws it at me. I block it with the side of my arm and look to him angrily.
"What the hell do you want?!"
"You broke our deal. You cheated off the Devil himself. I'd be proud since you are my son.. However, I'm tired of you ruining my fucking plan."
"What plan?"
"Wouldn't you like to know.." He quickly grabs me by the throat and throws me across the hall through the entrance of the school. With that, Rose screams a loud scream as I landed outside. Slowly I look up from the broken concrete to see Ten causally walking with Roses' dead body dragging behind him.
"She's was in the way.." He throws her to the side.

I clicked my tongue standing up.
"If your going to kill me don't I deserve to know??"
"I presume so.. But first, where's Zoey? Her presence has disappeared.."
"None of your business.."
"If your gunna die, don't I get to know?"  He mocks.
"I'm not telling you.."
"It was The little Angel boy? Right? Oh my, now you conspiring with God? You really are going a bit far my son."
" Doesn't matter if you know who took her, you'll never no where. Now Tell me what your after. Were you Ten the whole time?"
"Indeed, even before the deal to turn back.. I've always been Ten. This is my human form after all.."
"That means you were after Zoey.. "
"I was. Because you lacked. I needed a new experiment... Your too emotional so I hoped to gain someone who was more Demon like."
"And you picked Zoey?"
"She was interesting to me. So dead of life. So willing to die.. It peaked my interest just like it did yours.. With just the right amount, I could have manipulated her into anything I wanted. But you, you got to her. All I needed was a virgin worth my standards. You just had to go and ruin my plan."
"Too bad."

My father grits his teeth as he begins to chase after me.... And After some exchanges in hits, we both fly back digging heels into the ground.
"Felix, want to know a fact?" He licks his bottom lip.
"I don't, just try and kill me already." I scoffed.
"There's no rush..but did you know why I made the deal to turn back?"
"It doesn't matter."
"But it does. You see, Once a demon with my blood has intercourse , specifically with a virgin human girl.. He immediately impregnates her." He clasps his hands together.
My jaw drops, "Your joking."
"I'm a liar sure, but I wouldn't lie about that kinda thing... To be blunt, I'd rather kill her then have to deal with the aftermath. Too bad she wasn't a slut... I mean, I wouldn't have minded if you simply just slept around and broke a mortals deal. "
"She's pregnant?"  I didn't know that could happen so quickly, Hell I didn't even know that could happen at all. Then again my father never tells me much anyway..
"Most definitely, but she'll die in the process. A demon child takes a lot to carry.. Felix, You really  just can't stop chasing her, huh? Could have just let your dear father take care of the girl.. A shame.."
"So, No deals this time?" I asked gritting my teeth just waiting for him to talk more nonsense.
"It would be better just to kill you and her.. I'm done wasting my time. No matter what I do, you'll keep rebelling.
"I have no choice then." I start walking up to him, but with a simple flicking up of a flat hand.
"Let's take this to a more suitable place..." He snaps his fingers and we suddenly appear in the familiar harsh lands of the damned.

"Felix are you up for a game??" He crosses his arms behind his back.
"A game?" I raised a brow.
"Yess! A game to the death. I win, I  get to kill you both.. But if you win, you get to keep Zoey and I'll give you the throne to this wonderful paradise.. Sound good?"
"Yeah it does."
"Very well.. Let us begin?" He smirks as he slowly morphs into his true beastly form.

Sighing deeply, I close my eyes to feel the horns on my head arising from my skull and the tattered wings rip out from behind me. As I opened my eyes, the hair behind my neck begins to lengthen to my shoulders. (A/N: Reference to his glorious Back Door Mullet.)
"It's a shame you don't prefer to look like this everyday. But your too ashamed of who you really are, aren't you?"
"You won't beat me this time."
"I didn't get kicked out of heaven for you to merely beat me.."
"We shall see..."



Author's Note:

It's been a while! And boy do I have surprise for you. 5 new Chapters, all at once ready for you to enjoy.  And the 6th and final Chapter will be up sometime this month:))) Thank you for your patience! I hope these will satisfy  you deeply. And again I apologize for the wait, College has me up til 2 or 3 am on studying and essays. Anyway, enjoy more of the cringe as we head back down into Pray for me!! Comment, and tell me what you think.🥰

Skzenie ~Chloe🌻

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