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    A small, old white tom cat walks up to you as you are released into a sunny meadow. He purrs and rubs against your leg. You look at him and he looks at you with bright, shiny blue eyes. "hello new friend!" he purrs as he continues to butt his head into your leg. You take a step away and he sits, looking at you again with those shiny eyes."Welcome to Roseglen Ranches!" he meows cheerfully. "I think you are gonna like it here!" And with that, the cat disappears into a nearby bush. You tilt your head, then take off through the meadow, wondering who the old tomcat was as you race through the green grass.

Hope you guys liked my short little teaser! Before we continue I have a few rules-

#1 Watch yo profanity😂 but seriously plz use appropriate language

#2 No smut

#3 you may have a mate and/or children, but no serious mating scenes

#4 five Oc's per person! (this may change later)

#5 Hate the character, not the person

And here is the chart for the amount of babies/children each animal is allowed to have-

Cattle- 1 to 2 (if they are twins, one must be orphaned) 

horses-1 to 2

sheep-1 to 2

goats- 1 to 2

pigs- 3 to 10

dogs-2 to 8

cats-2 to 8

chickens-as many as you'd like! (this includes all birds)

If I forgot any animals plz let me know!

Roseglen ranches (farm/ranch roleplay)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat