Why Bother?

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~Lance's POV~

It's come to my attention as of late that everything I say falls upon deaf ears. They ask my opinion and don't even listen long enough to hear it. My jokes get nothing but an eyeroll and a sigh. Everything around me is a fucking lie and I should've realized it sooner.

Why even bother saying anything when nothing you say gets heard? Why bother trying to be a part of a group where you clearly don't belong? Where you're nothing but the third/fifth/seventh wheel no matter where you go.

I walked around the castle, peeking into the mess hall to see everyone laughing and joking around, smiles on their happy faces.

I then walked to Blue's hangar and gently pressed my forehead against her claw, placing a gentle kiss on said claw.

"I'll miss you girl." I whisper, walking out of the hangar and to the training deck. I removed my armor and put it back in its spot, setting my bayard in the same place it was when we got them. I walked to the command center and patted my seat gently to say goodbye.

I ended my farewell tour at my room. I entered the lonely space and sighed softly, sitting on my bed. I looked down at th syringe in my hand and took a deep breath.

"Good bye." I whisper after making sure my note was on top of my pillow. I insert the needle into my jugular and injected the liquid. I removed the needle and slowly fell back onto my bed, my heart slowing to a stop.


~Keith's POV~

I sigh and look around. Lance wasn't here. Where could he be?

"Hey guys, have you seen Lance?" I ask. Everyone just shrugs.

"He probably went to bed early, you know how he is about his beauty rest." Pidge says, eating her dinner.

"Probably... I'll check on him tomorrow morning." I whispers, eating my own food.


The next morning, I woke up and got dressed before heading to Lance's quarters. I knock on the door and wait for a response. I waited a few minutes before knocking again. Still no response. I put my hand on the door pad and the door opened. I turn on the light and find Lance on his bed, pale as could be. I gasp, seeing the syringe in his hand and the mark on his neck.

"No, no no no no no no... Lance!" I shout, rushing to him and cradling him in my arms. He was cold as ice. I felt for a pulse but found nothing.

"NO LANCE DAMMIT!!!" I shout, noticing a folded piece of paper on his pillow. I pick it up and unfold it.

'Dear Keith,

I know you'll be the one to find me. You always tend ot be the first to notice when things are off. But you never did notice that I was off... I committed suicide because I realized how little I mean to the team. You'll probably be like 'you meant to much to the team'. But that's a fucking lie. No one here cares about me. I've realized this. But Keith, on a more... personal note... since I'm dead... now you'll never know how much I truely loved you... I'll never be able to hold you in my arms. Never be able to kiss your beautiful lips... Never be able to make love to you... but I needed to end my useless life... I love you Keith... never forget that...

Lance McClain'

I sniffled and wiped my eyes, walking out of Lance's room. I walked to the mess hall slowly, entirely overwhelmed about Lance's death. Everyone saw the look on my face and looked at me, worried.

"Keith... what is it? Is Lance okay?" They ask.

"N-no... h-he's not." I whisper, sitting in my seat.

"What? What's wrong?"

"H-he..." I choke down a sob. "He's d-dead." I stutter, gripping Lance's note tightly.

"WHAT?!" They all ask.

"He's dead! He fucking committed suicide because he felt that no one cared!" I shout, tears streaming down my face. Everyone went silent and I sobbed, trying to wipe my eyes but more and more tears fell.

"He's gone! He's fucking gone guys!" I shout, sobbing loudly.


First oneshot for this book. Keep any eye out for some more.

Luv Y'all,
Aisy Daisy

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