New York City

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Hey guys! So, I heard this song at work one day and thought it'd be a perfect song for the TID fandom! The song is New York City by the Chainsmokers

Trigger Warning! Death!


~(Y/N)'s POV~

I hum softly, remembering Jem's tunes that he used to play on his Violin. I didn't think that I'd even be alive to see him be cured from the drug, yet here I am, in New York, watching Tessa embrace my husband.

To know what it's like to love somebody the way I love you
To know what it's like to love somebody the way I love you
To know how it feels to kill yourself with bad habits
To know what you want, know you'll never truly have it

I tug on the hood of my jacket, turning and walking away, throwing down a Portal and walking through it, going back to the Institute. I looked at Clary, seeing the look of pity in her eyes when she noticed the look on my face.

"She found him first, huh?" She says. I only turn away and walk to the training room, drawing the sword I had gotten from Jem from my back and attacking the training dummy.

New York City, please go easy on me tonight
New York City, please go easy on this heart of mine
'Cause I'm losing my lover to the arms of another
New York City, please go easy on me tonight
New York City, please go easy on me, tonight

I slice the arms off the dummy, tears rolling down my face. I went to hack at the dummy's head before a strong hand gripped my upper arm. I raise my sword and turn to see Jace, his eyes full of concern.

"What'd the dummy do to you?" He asks.

"It reminds me of his stupid face." I growl, remembering Jem's Silent Brother face when he was Brother Zachariah.

"Fuck him. He chose my great-great-great grandmother over you. What an ass." He says, pulling me close and hugging me. I sigh softly.

"I did ask Tessa to watch over him if I hadn't lived, but she knew I was still alive. And she still went after him."

"I'm sorry." Jace whispers. I pull back from the hug and look at him.

"Thank you Jace... I'm going to retire to my room now." I whisper, sheathing my sword before walking to my room.

When I went away, saw your face in my rear-view
I know that look on your face, that I had lost you

I look out my window, seeing Jem's familiar figure walking next to Tessa, their arms interlinked. I turned away from my window, not knowing that Jem had actually looked up and seen me. I change into my nightclothes and lay down on my bed, holding my copy of Vathek that Will had given me for my birthday one year. I opened it up to read the poem Will had written, in memory of Jem.

"My James..." I whisper, running my fingers over the small picture Will had put in the dust jacket. "Wo ai ni... wo bu xiang shi qu ni." I whisper, rubbing my faded marriage rune.

New York City, please go easy on me tonight
New York City, please go easy on this heart of mine
'Cause I'm losing my lover to the arms of another
New York City, please go easy on me tonight

Days passed since that day and I had slowly been getting over the thought of seeing my husband ever again. Until my eyes landed on a familiar mop of black and silver hair in the crowd in front of me. I blink and rub my eyes, the mop of hair gone now. I frown and shake my head.

You promised, I promised
I never knew I could be this selfish
Nights downtown, it's a new town
But I keep thinking I see your face in the crowd
But you're not here and you won't be
'Cause you love me enough to let go of me

I sigh and turn my back to the crowd, walking to the park where I had last seen my husband in his Silent Brother form. I sit down on the park bench and grab the bag of seeds out of my pocket, throwing some to the ducks. I hear Tessa's familiar giggle behind me, turning slowly to see her clinging to the arm of my former husband, a smile on his pale face as he listened to her speak. I felt a pang in my chest and turned around, putting my hood up over my head as I gripped my shirt.

New York City, please go easy on me tonight
New York City, please go easy on this heart of mine
'Cause I'm losing my lover to the arms of another
New York City, please go easy on me tonight

I gasped in pain as the sharp pang in my chest grew stronger, knocking all the air out of my lungs.

'So this is how I go after all these years?' I think, my heart beating quickly as I rolled onto my side, gripping my chest as I gasped for air through the pain. I heard the murmurs of the group that had gathered around me before feeling a pair of familiar strong hands gripping my shoulders. I open my eyes, seeing the gold-flecked eyes of my former husband.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) stay with me! Tessa! Call the Institute!" He shouts. I reach up and place a hand on his upper arm.

"Let me go... I-I'm finally free." I whisper, feeling the life drain out of me as I slowly fall limp, the last words I heard were, 'Wo ai ni. Wo bu xiang shi qu ni." Before the world went dark.


I hope you guys liked it! And I hope I did the song justice. I might try to do another songfic with a different song my my TID playlist!

Luv Y'all,
Aisy Daisy

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