The Final Straw

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Hey guys! So, I got an idea on how to continue the Ink and Roses series! I hope you enjoy!

Warning! Mentions of Abuse!


~(Y/N)'s POV~

I hum softly as I wash the dishes, jumping slightly when someone touches my waist. I look behind me to see a mop of ginger hair.

"Lambert! You scared me." I say, chuckling as I splashed him with soapy water. He chuckles, dodging the splash.

"Hey love... I was thinking... how would you like to try for a child of our own?" He asks, making me blush.

"W-well... I wouldn't be opposed to the idea." I say, turning to face him. He smirks and kisses me deeply.

"The kids are at their grandparents... so let's do it right here on the island." He says, picking me up and setting me down on the island.


Months passed since Lambert and I started trying for a baby and so far we've had no success. And since then Lambert has turned to alcohol. The only thing about that is, he's a mean drunk.

"Woman! Bring me another beer!" He shouts from the couch. I flinch, grabbing him another beer from the fridge and walking to the living room.

"Th-this is the last one..." I stutter. He glares up at me and backhands me.

"Well then take your little ass up to the store and buy me more." He growls. I nod quickly, grabbing my keys and running to my van, driving to the store.

Weeks went by like this before I went back to work, taking the kids with me to the shop. I tend to the flowers, wearing my hair down to cover my eye. The shop bell rings and I look over the rows of flowers to see Geralt, looking more toned than the last time I saw him. He spots me and walks over.

"I thought you stopped working, I haven't seen you or your car in months..." He says. I purse my lips.

"W-well, Lambert and I had some little issues..." I say, looking up at him, keeping my hair in my face. He reaches up to brush it back but I grab his hand, lowering it.


"I just wanna see your beautiful eyes... it's been so long." He whispers.

"And I said no.. so please, leave it alone." I say, turning away. Geralt looks at me, concern in his eyes.

"Love..." He says. My heart fluttered at the name.

"Ger..." I say, turning to him. He brushes my hair behind my ear, gasping at the sight of my black eye.

"Who the fuck did this to you?!" He growls.

"No one, I ran into a pole..."

"That's bullshit!" He says, looking at me, seeing the fear in my eyes.

"It was Lambert, wasn't it?"

"Geralt, I said leave it be... please..." I whimper.

"It's Lambert... gods dammit... (Y/N), you should've come to me sooner."

"I-I couldn't... h-he'll hurt the kids..." I whisper.

"I'll tell our brothers. They'll understand... They'll take care of him." says Geralt. I shake my head.

"N-no... he-he's ruthless... Just leave it be Ger." I say, looking up at my soulmate.


"Geralt... not only will he hurt me and the kids. He'll hurt you too."

"I can take a few punches... you can't..." He says, looking down at me.

"Love, please, let me help."

"F-fine... you can help... by taking the kids for the weekend... I'll just tell him they're at their grandparents."

"Okay." He says, pulling me close.

"I promise I'll get you out of this situation..." He whispers, kissing the top of my head.


Several more months passed and I had been gradually working away from Lambert, staying with Geralt over the weekends, that is until the day came. Geralt arrived at the house first, walking in and hugging me.


"Love, I told you I'd get you out of this." He whispers into my ear. I sniffle, holding back sobs.

"Thank you..." I whimper. He nods and kisses my head, walking to the garage where Lambert was. Coen walked in next.

"Where is the bastard?" He asks. I pointed in the direction of the garage and he followed my finger. Vesemir was the last one in, after several more of Geralt's brothers walked in. I go to the kids' room, walking in and holding them close.

"We're gonna be free." I whisper. They hugged me tightly and we all sat there until Geralt walked in, a little bruised up but nothing too terrible.

"We're taking him to the police station. We'll need your witness statement." He says. I nod and walk out of the room with the kids at my side. We all pile into the van while the brothers climb into their own vehicles, Geralt mounting his motorcycle. I pull out of the driveway and drive to the police station, parking out front and walking in after Geralt dragged Lambert out of Vesemir's SUV.

Once me and the children had given our statements, we headed back to the house with Geralt following us on his motorcycle. After we arrived at the house, the kids ran up to their room, leaving me and Geralt alone in the living room.

"Thank you..." I whisper.

"You are most welcome, love." He says, sitting down on the couch with me.

"So, what triggered his drinking?" He asks.

"We discovered that we can't have kids..." I whisper.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be... I got to see his true colors..." I say, giving Geralt a small smile. He purses his lips, leaning over and kissing me gently. I kiss back hesitantly, leaning into Geralt. He pulls back, looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry this didn't happen sooner... and I'm sorry for all I did to you in the past..." He whispers. I take a shaky breath, looking at Geralt.

"You know... I-I wouldn't mind if you stayed here... just until the trial... maybe longer." I whisper the last bit, looking down.

"I would love to... first, let's change the locks on the doors." He says, smiling one of his rare smiles. I smile back and stand up, walking over to the kitchen.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I ask.

"Some of your homemade lavender lemonade would be great. Please." He says. I smile and grab the pitcher out of the fridge.

"You're lucky I made a batch yesterday." I say, getting some ice in a cup and pouring the beverage into it.


I hope you guys liked it! I'll be continuing this for a few more parts hopefully!

Luv y'all,
Aisy Daisy

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