Chapter 20 - Little Miss Obvious and Mr. Oblivious

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"And I'm what? Invisible?" Minho cut in. Harriet smacked Minho's shoulder and Teresa let out a sigh.

"They were having a moment," Harriet hissed in Minho's ear.

(Y/N) attention drifted away from Newt and to her other friends. Minho looked really dashing with with suit and tie. Harriet was stunning with her red dress and golden hoops. Her hair was fixed in a high ponytail. Everyone of her classmates were dressed up and prepared for the dance they've been rehearsing for weeks.

It was the night of the dance.

Once again, (Y/N) was reminded of what this night meant. This was the last night of this stressful yet magical school assignment. This was the last night she would be able to hold Newt's hand. The last night he'll nonchalantly take her hand in his and pull her into a dance.

"Alright kids," Coach Janson came in the room. He was as well-dressed as the rest of them. "It's showtime."


The entire class was lined up with their partners beside them as they went to the gym. (Y/N) and Newt were in the front since they were the leaders and the formation they made had them in front. When they were walking in the hallway, (Y/N) felt Newt take her hand in his. Since they were in front, everyone could clearly see.

She didn't dare look back or at Newt. She wouldn't be able to control the huge smile that was trying to form on her face. Why would he hold her hand like this? They weren't even dancing. He does this every time they were practicing. She thought she was able to adapt and get used to it. But it still makes her happy every time.

But she noticed that every time he held her hand, she just let her hand be limp. She didn't hold his back for fear that she might be found out by him. Most of the time, her brain was a little fuzzy when Newt took her hand so she didn't even think much of holding his back. However, this was now the last night. She would never get the chance again.

(Y/N) let her fingers close around Newt's hand. She was still looking straight ahead that she didn't see Newt smile at her when she did. They walked together hand in hand. Side by side until they reached the entrance of the gym. The doors were closed and Coach Janson made them wait outside until he calls for them again.

(Y/N) was now taking deep breathes. She could sense the nervous atmosphere around her classmates as they waited in the hallway. She then remembered what Newt said to her the other day in the F.T. Park. She thought she should say something to him. Maybe "Good luck" or that "we can do this." She wanted to say something to lift up the spirits of her classmates as well. Something inspiring.

"Hey guys!"

But someone beat her to it. Minho was the one who called everyone's attention. (Y/N) and Newt turned around, wondering what he was going to say.

"Be careful, don't die."

The class erupted into nervous laughter at what Minho said. Even if it sounded a little silly, it was the perfect thing to get some of the anxiety out of their system.

"Great we're all bloody inspired," said Newt.

Just with those few words, the class was able to relax a bit. (Y/N) was grateful for it. She was at a loss for words at the moment. As much as she wished she was able to deliver a final speech as their leader before they go into battle, somehow this was better.

"Now presenting..."

Their laughter died down when they heard the MC starting to announce them. (Y/N)'s grip on Newt's hand tightened a little with the shock and the same could be said for him. Noticing the grip they had on each other's hands, they finally were able to make eye contact.

(Y/N) found herself gazing into Newt's eyes. Just like that, she wasn't in school anymore. She wasn't even in the hallway anymore. There was no one else around but her and Newt.

"Let's go?" Newt said, releasing her from her stupor.


Newt tugged her hand a little as they walked inside the gym. Her classmates were busy looking around the decorated gym, but (Y/N) was still staring at Newt. She must've looked either scared, nervous, or obvious to anyone who was looking at them. But she never cared if anyone knew. Because no matter how obvious she was, Newt was always oblivious.

To her surprise, Newt let go of her hand.

She was left in the middle of the gym in front of the other girls. It was then she remembered that the start of the dance had the girls at one side of the gym while the boys were in the other.

"Right," she faced her back from Newt, "time to focus."







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Sempiternal Memories (TMR: High School AU - Newt X Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat