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"i dont know. I dont remember anything other than my name"

"Alex" sean called my name,

I looked at him briefly and turned my gaze to Triton. I found it immersly difficult to beieve him. Maybe he was lying but for what reason? And i couldn't possibly believe he is a greek god, but his name is that of the son of poseidon according to folktales. And lets talk about stating the obvious he was in ice, heavily guarded with rare dolphins.

The facts are oddly stacked against my brain. I'd slap myself in the head if i wasn't heading towards Sean.

"Alex pack your bags, we are leaving today"

"Why!" i opened my eyes, "i love it here! The ocean and skies, the food and sand and everyday here is different, unique and beautiful"

"We are not leaving because we don't like it here, we are leaving because it isnt safe anymore"

"Is it because of him?"

"What do you think?"

"He barely knows who he is"

"That's the more reason he is dangerous!"

I looked at him, he was right. He was more dangerous not knowing who he was.

As Sean was able to convince me, mom and mr chesterfield walked out of the hut shaking hands.

"Sean what is going on? whats that scumbag doing here?"

"Alexandria watch your tongue!" mom yelled at me,

"Trikon or whatever his name is would be going to be with Mr Chesterfield so he can run a few tests on him and know what he really is, because it is obvious he isnt human at all"

"Yes Alexndria, I promise to keep your friend safe" he said with a corky smile,

"Does Sakhery know?"

"He does and he has no problem with it and you should too, you found him in the middles of nowhere. Let it go!"

"Its not like i like him or soemthing, im being human, they are ging to connect all sortof weird things to him and run different tests on him. Some of which would be unbearable and comfortable"

"You watch too many movies missy"

I rolled my eyebals so hard I could see the back of my head.

"Get your things, we are leaving now!" mom said,

"I need to pack" i thought i could buy some time with that so i can enjoy this beautiful view.

"Ive already done that and Sean has put all our luggage in the trunk of the car. We need to leave now or we'd be late"

I sighed heavily, and dragged my feet to the car.


I hate being back home, seeing such a beautiful place makes this place look like shit. And i would never see beaches the same way.

I just got comfy in my pj and strolled downstairs,

I threw myself on the couch and turned on the tv to relax. And the news that I recieved wasn't that relaxing, prehistoric was going to the aquarium a walking distance from my house. Theyve claimed his discovery and im not so sure dad would be happy about this when he wakes up.

"Hey there what are you watching?"

Speak of the devil and he appears, you know whats annoying ive spoking of the deil plenty times the bastard didn't show up, but once i soeak of someone i really dont want to be around, they pop out of nowhere!

"Oh shit!" i exclamated as I dropped the remote,

"Whats wrong?"

"nothing dad you can go upstairs and rest"

"i think i prefer to get comfortable on the couch" he said tossing the news paper in his hand on the table in front of him and throwing his body wrapped in a purple robe on the couch,

the clenching of his jaw and furrow of his eyebrows showed he was not happy with what he saw on the news, his discovery was being reclaimed by Mr Chesterfield,

"turn up the volume" he commanded,

I did as he said wanting no part of his anger,

"Matthew! " he called uncle, his deep baritone voice came to play,

"what?" he sluggishly arrived,

as his gaze hit the tv his eyes widened and he was more in shock than anger,

"is this a jokemor something? "

"get my lawyer on the line!" Dad said, and Uncle Matthew called Sean to do so,

"how did he get into the hands of that snake?"

Son of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now