"I will bring the Princess to you as soon as I caught her before Lord Seo found her." The spy assures the Lord before he went off and initiates the plan to capture the lost Crown Princess.


"TaeYeon! TaeYeon! TaeYeon!" Sooyoung knock on her friend's door when she found out about the news through online and thankfully, Tiffany stays at their home to do house chores instead because the Royal Palace was searching for her to face the court trial alongside with the Hwang household for deceiving the whole nation that she's the Queen.

"Oh, Sooyoung ah!" TaeYeon was beyond happy seeing her friend but SooYoung looks trouble.

"You need to leave here." TaeYeon frown by her friend for being ridiculous right now.

"What are you saying? Is there something wrong? Omo, does the Palace already found us?" TaeYeon was now worried about her wife's situation but unbeknownst to her that she's the future Queen.

"I'll explain later and we need to find hidden place." Sooyoung entered the house and help her friend to pack her few important things.

"What? What happen? Sooyoung you're here." Tiffany who finished her shower confused with the situation when the two was too busy packing their things.

"Come with me quick!" They all leave the house in the middle of the night and Sooyoung let the married couple enter her car before she turns the engine on without anyone from the neighborhood noticed them.

"Did you already read the news on TV or online?" Sooyoung asked but her eyes are focus on driving on the place where Sunny gave her. They lost contact with her and now after years of searching and locating the older woman, they had the chance to meet secretly on Sunny's hideout when she kept herself away from the enemies eyes.

"No, I've been busy through workloads." TaeYeon answered.

"We had no time for social media nowadays since it might be too risky in case we've been located through gadgets we often used for logging in." Tiffany was being careful from opening social media accounts since it might used to locate them.

"Do you know that the late King Hwang deceived the nation by having a child of his own." Sooyoung had no choice but to be straightforward towards Tiffany that might offend or hurt the woman's feelings especially TaeYeon since it's her wife.

"What are you saying?" TaeYeon asked curiously.

"Tiffany is an adopted chid of Hwang." Sooyoung's eyes studied Tiffany's expression from the rear view mirror.

"I already knew about it because the King doesn't want to hide something from me as a kid and someday I might ask him for my biological parents so he doesn't want me to get in trouble and I also saw it coming beforehand yet I never knew about the future Queen's identity." Tiffany explained and the two friends were shocked from the former Queen's revelations.

"At least I will not get to see you hurt." Sooyoung sighed in relief as she continues driving.

"So you're not the real Queen?" TaeYeon was also in relief because they doesn't need to hide from Prince Nichkhun.

"But the thing is I knew about the future Queen's identity." Sooyoung interrupted.

"You know whose the real Queen?" Tiffany asked curiously and their heads get closer to hear Sooyoung's information about it.

"TaeYeon you're parents were the late Prince Jongin and Princess Sunji whose the next in line on the throne." TaeYeon stepped aback from her friend's confession.

"After you're parents were murdered by the Palace enemies, a court lady went to our house to keep you secretly by my parents so we also keep your identity closed from you so we made up stories so you will question us in the future, I know it sounds selfish but it's for your own safety and right now you've been searching by the Royal Palace but I want to keep you safe and that's the royal order from the Seo household they were your close relative." Sooyoung explained before they stayed silence for awhile before TaeYeon decided to speak.

"If my parents were murdered, do you have any idea about the murderer?" TaeYeon asked but she's still shocked about her true identity as the future Queen.

"We have conclude but no proof yet besides you will finally meet your aunt Lady Seohyun." Sooyoung said.

"I couldn't believe that I belong from a royal family." TaeYeon felt her hardship and struggles before were change into more responsibilities as the future Queen.

"I'm here for you." She almost forgot her wife for awhile but she knew Tiffany will never leave her side since they were married now.

"You're still my Queen." TaeYeon captures her wife's lips and whisper in between their kisses.

"You can continue your business when we all arrive on the place and both get you a room I'm still here you know." Sooyoung scoffed.

To be continued

P.S. So it's clear that the Queen's maiden was Tiffany not TaeYeon ^^,

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