Taehyung's eyes snapped to her's, his back straightening immediately. "Huh?"

Rebecca sighed and stopped twirling his rings, letting go of his hands entirely. "You don't care, do you?"

"No no." Taehyung took her hands again. "Of course I care. I'm just tired I'm sorry Honey. I'm listening I promise." He kissed her hands several times, Rebecca smiling sadly. "Okay, Operation Tae Hug is commencing."

"No!" Rebecca laughed, Taehyung hugging her with such force, she was on pushed to her back, head on pillows, and a giggling Taehyung on top of her.

"Yes." Taehyung snuggled into her, Rebecca unable to resist him. Before she knew it, she was scratching Taehyung's head, his head on her chest, arms around her waist, and snuggled close.

"Well as I was saying." Rebecca spoke gently, talking about all sorts of things, bouncing between topics and stories for a little while longer. Taehyung let out a tiny snore, Rebecca halting her rambling spree. "Awh." She looked down at his asleep face, unable to resist touching his cheek. "I guess I should go to bed too."


Rebecca awoke to the smell of fresh food and soft whispers.

"Shh! She's waking up!" Hoseok hissed, Rebecca finally opening her eyes to see all of Bangtan in front of her.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!"

Jungkook sat beside her, in the middle of the bed as they all sang, Yoongi sitting at the foot of the bed, everyone else standing and holding food. "Happy birthday to Rebecca~ Happy birthday to you!"

"Awh thank you you guys!" Rebecca sat up in bed, blowing out the candle on the pancakes Jin held. "You didn't have to do this."

"Of course we did." Jimin pushed a mug of coffee in her hand, Namjoon setting the tray on her lap, Jin turning on the lights. "It's our best friend's birthday."

Rebecca held her heart and melted at their excited smiles. But she only counted six. "Where's Tae?"

Jungkook grinned from beside her, him and Yoongi pushing something behind them at the same time. There was a thump and a very annoyed groan. "On the floor."

Rebecca giggled before taking a sip of her coffee, Taehyung slowly standing from the ground, a dark glare on his face. Jungkook was pulled backwards with a scream, him soon on the ground as well.

Taehyung smoothed the sheets and took his seat back, Jungkook throwing a pillow at the back of his head as Taehyung smiled and kissed Rebecca. "Happy birthday Beautiful." Rebecca could only blush, taking another sip of her coffee to cover her face.

"Well, we'll go." Jin pulled Jungkook from the ground. "Let you finish your breakfast."

"You got a nice birthday present already I see." Yoongi spoke, standing from the bed. Upon the confused look from Rebecca, he gestured to his neck. Rebecca's face turned bright red as she desperately tried to cover her neck, Bangtan either snickering or cursing out Yoongi.

"Don't feel embarrassed Becca!" Jimin was the last to leave, standing by the door. "You've experienced what millions of other girls will never get to." Taehyung threw a pillow at him, but Jimin closed the door before it hit him.

"My embarrassment is your fault." Rebecca narrowed her eyes at Taehyung. "I don't know if I could ever forgive you."

"I'll do your make up." Taehyung leaned against her legs, smiling up at her.

"Forgiven." Rebecca gave Taehyung a bite of her pancake, him stealing an entire pancake and shoving it in his mouth, Rebecca's jaw dropping.

"You said I was forgiven so I took my chance!" Taehyung laughed from his full mouth, Rebecca hitting his arm.


"Rebecca you look, tense." Jungkook spoke from behind the magazine he held upside down.

Rebecca froze her walk, crossing her arms to give Jungkook a look. "Another word and I'm shoving that magazine down your throat."

Jungkook closed the magazine, narrowing his eyes at Becca. "You wouldn't."

"Wanna bet?" Rebecca took a step forward, Jungkook jumping behind the couch, holding the magazine out in front of him.

"Stay back woman." Jungkook took a step back as Rebecca took a step forward. "Hyung!!!!"

Rebecca sat down on the couch, pulling out her phone as Hoseok walked in. "What Jungkook?"

"She-she is gonna murder me!" Jungkook pointed at Rebecca, she smiling and waving at Hoseok

"You probably deserve it." Hoseok laughed, walking back to the room where Bangtan minus Jungkook was having a meeting. Yes Jungkook was excluded because they needed someone to distract Rebecca and Jungkook is quite horrible at keeping secrets.

"Okay so she love egg rolls so we're going here for lunch." Taehyung showed the boys the resturant on his phone, everyone nodding. "Giving lunch about an hour, we will only have about three hours to ice skate and do anything else."

"When will we give her her presents?" Jin spoke up, Yoongi and Jimin nodding with him.

"Uh, at 4? It shouldn't take that long so the stylist can wait a few minutes." Taehyung nodded, looking through his schedule."



"Can I tell you a secret?" Rebecca whispered to Taehyung as they both tied their skates.

"Of course." Taehyugn whispered back, glancing over at her.

"I don't know how to skate. I'm bad at balancing." Rebecca finished tying her skates, sitting up straight as Taehyung did the same.

"Well we're both screwed." Taehyung chuckled. "I don't know how to skate well either."

"Well you gotta learn at one point." Rebecca stood up and offered Taehyung a hand. "Ten bucks you fall first."

"Oh you're on."

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