Chapter 3: Friday

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Now it was Friday. The day Dylan wasn't sure what to expect. So many unanswered questions. She just wanted to get it over with. But first she had to get through the school day.

     When she first walked through the doors, the first person she saw was Elijah. The biggest cliché to ever exist. Besides kissing in the rain and the good girl falling for the bad boy. Elijah was the school's quarterback and the one who had 'stolen' Brianna's heart. He didn't know that Dylan and her used to be friends which made this situation even more awkward.

     When Dylan walked up to her locker, Elijah came over to her and he just stood there, staring at her like a sociopath. When Dylan walked through the school doors, since he was the first person she saw, she was just looking him the eye until she realised what was going on. Dylan was still carrying on doing what she was doing trying hard not to question him, but she just couldn't resist.

"Okay, what do you want." Dylan asked acting fed up.

He just stood there looking at her. That was when he noticed that Bri could see and Dylan was starring right at her.

"What makes you think I want anything?" he replied seeming all cool.

"because you're here 'trapping' me when you could be over there with that dumb blonde girl of yours."

That was when you could see the anger light up on Elijah's face.
"You have no right to talk about her that way. You are just a pathetic girl who puts on a bad girl act because you are too afraid to show what you are actually feeling."  He shouted at Dylan.

She just laughed right in his face before giving him a response.

"Love how you apparently know everything about me, when you obviously know nothing about, your prissy little girlfriend over there. Give it a month and she'll be done with you, just wait and see. Also I'm the way I am because if you, do you have no right to speak to me the what you just did. " Dylan then slammed her locker and walked away un clenching her fist. Elijah just rolled his eyes and walked over to Bri. 

         Dylan knew that Brianna heard every single bit of their conversation. This just made her feel annoyed because now she thinks that Bri thinks that she misses being her friend, when she is more of a loner anyway and prefers it better this way. But the whole thing made Dylan just feel uncomfortable and alone. Again. But unfortunately for Dylan, Harley heard all of that (once again) and he just knew he had to do something about it.

        It was now time for Dylan to get ready to go to the address, but she wasn't home. After school ended, she just decided to walk around the town for a bit to clear her head. Not like she had anything to clear, it was just an excuse not to go home. She had found herself in a park with no one there. She hated parks because she always found them to crowded. But since there was no one there, she decided to go sit on the swings. She loved the swings. After  sitting there for like 10 minutes, she decided to go walk to the address that was written on the note. Dylan was actually quite excited to see what this was all about. If she knew what was waiting for her, she would have stayed at the park. And that is really saying something.

        When she was on the doorstep, there was a note on stuck to the front door. It was just a small post-it-note and written on it was 'walk through kitchen and go out back door.' There was no one there, just herself. Well so she thought. She then opened the door and stepped in. The kitchen was literally only 10 feet away from the door. She was expecting like a massive hallway and a massive number of stairs. She was wrong. When she reached the back door, she could see someone swinging on a porch swing. Dylan thought it was the host. But it wasn't.

      She had her backpack on one of her shoulders, and was carrying the other strap with her hand, that was when she reached out for the door handle and stepped outside the back. That was when she saw them. They were all stood there with their own facial expressions and personalities. Angry, bratty, and awkward.

"OH HELL NO." Dylan gasped.

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