Chapter 8: The Principal's Office

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As they entered the room, all the memories from that night came flooding back. They looked around room as if they had never seen it before. They all had serious Déjà vu. They knew it wasn't a coincidence. The person behind it knew what they had done or had some sort of idea. The four of them thought they were screwed.

After getting hit harder than a pile of rocks, they decided to search the room for the next clue. They were starting to understand what was happening. They were petrified to find the next one.

Dylan rummaged through the filing cabinets nervously. She was shaking like crazy. She was reading all the people's names and receiving all of this high information about them and their personal lives. Dylan thought that she was intruding, and she didn't like that. She would absolutely hate if someone were going through her file.

"Right. One of you need to switch with me. Now." Dylan demanded compellingly.

"I'll do it." Carter responded quickly.

"Thanks." Dylan replied.

Dylan was now looking through a bunch of old, dusty books. She had enough of this, didn't have a choice.

Brianna wasn't actually looking through anything, she was just stood there in the room looking like any other dumb blonde blowing a bubble from her bubble-gum. She was supposed to be looking on the walls and ceiling to see if she could notice any weird prints or signs.

She took one glance at the walls and thought it was 'boring'. She also looked at the ceiling and there was nothing on there.

Harley didn't want to give her another job or anything else to look at because he thinks she's dumb when really, she isn't. Carter knows this and knows that she could find any clues. But he doesn't really have a say in the situation. Harley is the 'boss'. His words exactly.

Harley was starting to get very anxious. All he wanted was to get out of the room. His breathing got heavier and heavier, and his heartbeat got faster. It was like he was having some sort of mental breakdown. That wasn't the case. He just really wanted to find the next clue.

He was searching through cabinets and cupboards to see if he could find the next clue. He was determined to find it. The next clue. He wanted to be the one to solve the mystery. He needed to solve the mystery. He wanted and needed to be the hero. He could have been.

If Harley and the other three talked about what happened on the last day of school, they would have been able to crack it. They instantly would of know where this is going to end. But no. They were too afraid. And for that reason, he wasn't a hero. Well, he was, but in a different kind of way. He is a hero. To someone.

"Where is it?" Harley asked Rhetorically.

They all looked at him as if he were a crazy guy your parents would tell you to avoid.

"Hey. It's alright, you just need to calm down." Dylan told him in a settling voice. She can be loving and nice when she wants to be.

"I can't. I won't be able to until I know that you, I mean we are safe." Harley replied.

He accidently messed up his words by saying that he can't stop until he knows Dylan is safe. He quickly changed it without being exposed. Even though they all caught on.

Dylan heard what he said about her. About her being safe and all. She just assumed that it was the stress and adrenaline going through his body, that he didn't know what he was saying, and that he didn't mean it, so she chose to ignore it.

Dylan slowly walked over to him and placed her right hand just under his right peck.

(his left) and her right hand on his side. She would have put her hand on his shoulder, but he is extremely tall, and she isn't.

Dylan looked right up into his eyes and he looked down into hers. It was straining her neck, but she didn't care. She just wanted to be there for him. To comfort him.

"Look at me. You don't need to solve this. You don't need to do anything. Not on your own. We are here for a reason. To solve it as a team. Together. Because that's when we are at are best. We will figure this out, and I'm sure that it will be mainly your doing. And you don't need to worry about us. By the looks of it, we are the ones that need to be concerned about your safety. It looks like you want to punch the shit out of that wall." Dylan told him as he let out a small giggle.

"I do. I really do." Harley replied.

"We care about you. We all do. So... do it. Punch that wall as hard as you can. We'll worry about it later. Together. All four of us." Dylan said, reassuring him.

Harley was hoping that the speech she just gave him, only referred the two of them. It did in a way, but she was trying to tell him that the four of them can solve it together. And that he isn't alone.

She was also hoping that it would make them want to be her friend again. Each other's friends. That they all could be friends again. Like they were last year. She missed them, and the only time she actually felt wanted, appreciated, and loved was when she was with them. She wanted to feel like that again.

Harley then nodded his head and Dylan coughed and stepped away from him awkwardly. He then turned around and threw his fist at the wall. It made a massive whole in the wall. They all just started laughing. Dylan, Bri and Carter went to Harley and gave him a hug. They were in a weird circle shape. It was the closest they had been to each other in months. It was... nice. Then they all then went back to solving the mystery.

"We are never going to find it." Harley mentioned.

"Yes, we will. And I think I just did. Dylan told them.

They all looked at her weirdly and she just laughed. She then walked over to the corner of the room, and as the others watched her, they knew exactly where she was going.

They all screamed at her, "No."

Dylan looked at them and smiled, she then went back over to the corner, picked up a baseball bat and started hitting the Principle's safe.

This safe was bigger than the one before. It was more like a vault. It was where the Principal would keep the money the school makes to go on trips and host events such as Homecoming and Prom. That was how this whole thing happened.

Dylan was hitting so hard as if there were no tomorrow. When it opened, a massive grin formed her face. She saw a note right at the back of it. She quickly grabbed it, and made her way over to Harley, Brianna, and Carter. She placed it on her hand, and they all stood around one another as she showed it to them. They tilted their heads and read the note. It had no writing on it. Just an image.

"The forest." They said simultaneously.

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