Chapter 7: 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer'.

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When something is normally really messy or chaotic, people would use the phrase 'It's like a blood bath...'. But in this case. LITERALLY. In the room was dead people or people still hanging and screaming for their lives. BLOOD EVERYWHERE. I mean there wasn't a bath, but it was a white looking room (that they had never seen before) that was so much bigger on the inside. Since the situation they were in, it wasn't exactly white, but it was a white marble design, and you could see that on the walls. It was roughly the size of a gym and the room looked exactly like one of those small rooms that you see on the TV where people are put in there when they are crazy or absolutely mental. The thing about this room was that the people that were bleeding to death or the ones that already have, was that they weren't just anyone. They all had a motive to be there. They were Dylan, Harley, Brianna, and Carter's enemies. The people that made their lives a living hell.

As the four of them looked around the room in fear, they were trying to identify everyone. Some of them couldn't even be named but they were still there for some weird, unknown reason.

Whilst scanning the room, Dylan looked out of the corner of her eye and saw him. Elijah. Brianna's boyfriend. But here was the catch. For the amount of blood and screams coming from that room, there was only about eight people there still alive (20 all together). Four of them they could identify and explain why they are there and why they are an enemy and the other four they couldn't. With the four people that they could name, each Brianna, and Carter's. But Elijah wasn't Dylan's.

On the wall was a note splattered in blood still written in red and on the note, it read:

One of these 8 people is YOUR enemy. Pick the right one to leave without any more consequences. If you manage to fail and choose the wrong person, they will suffer a painful consequence. The choice is yours.

Harley picked up the note and read it out loud. Then he realised there was something under it. It was an axe with the words USE ME engraved into it. As soon as they read that, they knew that no matter who they pick, they are still going to suffer either way. Harley then picked up the axe and walked over to the people first.

The first person he came to was Noah Williams. Noah was Harley's best friend growing up. They would do absolutely everything together from the age of 2 until they were 16. Noah then started going out with this girl called Leah Simons. She was one of the people to select from. Basically, Harley had a crush on her for like years and Noah knew this very badly. Well, you guessed it. She like him and he liked her back, so they started dating, causing Harley to be pissed and angry. They haven't talked since this happened.

The next person was in fact Leah. He then went over to her and saw the blood dripping from her neck to the floor. The same thing was happening to Noah.

Harley was stood so perfectly in the room, that he could see the both of them suffering and he was just standing there watching the blood patter on the floor. It might sound I don't know evil. Mean? Cruel? Or make him sound like a total psychopath but he was enjoying it. Watching them crying out in agony. Begging him to save their lives. He didn't have a single care in the world for them. Because of this he knew that it wasn't either of them who is the right person. It's going to be someone they dread to see every day.

It was going to be someone that made have this weird feeling fulfil them when they are around. A feeling that makes that makes their blood boil and causes them to want to rip the other persons head off. Rage. Someone who made them feel rage whenever they were around. Made them be a completely different person. The person everyone feared. A monster. Somebody that was capable of turning someone like Carter or even bad boy Harley Hunter into a monster.

As Harley was looking at the next person, her saw a masculine, bloody figure wearing a jersey. That was Elijah. Without thinking, Harley goes straight over to him. Just stands there and looks deeply into his eyes. Then they hear a gulp. It was Elijah. Elijah was the one who made Harley feel all those things. But the problem was that Dylan, Carter and Bri all felt the same way by just looking at him. So, whose enemy, was it? Well, he was all of theirs but one of them felt the most range, anger, disgust. All of these things but ten times worse than average. Since Dyl, Harley, Bri and Carter had been friends for ages, they all knew what Elijah has done to them all. Except Harley.

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