Chapter 9: Ex marks the spot.

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As they reached the entrance of the forest, they all received flashbacks. Music Playing. People Dancing. People having fun in general. A phone ringing. Blood. The moment that changed it all.

Junior Prom 2019

Dylan stood there waiting right in the middle of the dancefloor waiting for the remaining three to show up. She was wearing a long black, basic dress that showed no skin, with a leather jacket on her arms giving her that extra warmth and support. It made her feel more edgy and more comfortable.

Harley, Brianna, and Carter walked in together looking daunting as hell.

"Took you guys long enough." Dylan stated letting out a smile.

Harley laid his eyes straight on her, looking her up and down.

"Somethings really never do change huh Dyl?" Harley asked Rhetorically.

She gave him the classic eyeroll.

"Why you here so early anyways?" Carter questioned.

"Well considering the Principal is running this and he is my Dad, he dragged me along with him just make sure I'd actually turn up. Anyway. Let's dance. Dylan said quickly changing the subject.

As they all went to dance, suddenly someone's phone went off. It was Dylan's. She looked at her friends before answering. The caller ID said unknown. They all gave her a weird look. She then answered it.

"Dylan, Harley, Brianna and Carter. You guys are like the three musketeers, but four. In exactly 5 minutes, 10 men in armour are going to come raid the Prom with different weapons, ready to kill. That means you have to get the hell out of there and save yourselves and the rest of the school. Your 5 minutes have started now. Good Luck!

Present Day

The four of them carried on walking further into the forest. On each tree they walked past by, there was post-it notes with arrows pointing into the direction they need to be going in. It led them into a pacific part of the forest. One they had been to before. It was so deep into it, that people barely ever go there. Meaning they were alone. They were stood right in the middle of the forest. They were looking around at the trees to see if they could see any more post -it notes or any clues. No. Nothing. They were on their own.

Junior Prom 2019

They ran as fast as they possibly could into the hallway. Dylan luckily put the phone on speaker, so she didn't have to explain. They were panting and out of breath.

"What the actual hell. Who was that?" Harley exclaimed loudly.

"I have no idea, but we have to go to the Principal's office now or everybody in that room is going to die. Including our parents." Dylan replied trying to catch her breath. All of their parent's volunteer from time to time at the school. That's one of the main reasons they get along so well. The nodded their heads and ran straight to the Principal's office.

As they opened the door, they witnessed something horrific. There was three men in that room. One of them was holding a knife to the secretary's neck, the second one was pinning the Principal to the ground and the third one was stealing the money from the safe.

"Dad." Raine screamed on the top of her lungs.

"Honey don't worry about me ok. Just stop them from stealing the money." Dylan's Dad said keeping her calm.

She nodded her head and ran towards the person stealing from the safe.

Harley went over and knocked the hell out of the guy holding the knife. Carter went over and kicked the head in of the guy holding the Principal down. His name is Harry. And Brianna just stood there doing nothing like normal. The guy then took the money and Dylan started running away and then they chased after him.

Present Day

They started to get really nervous and started to worry. They were searching and searching for a hint but there just wasn't anything. All of a sudden, there was a dash of lightening. It caused all four of them to move. They then looked down at where their feet were pointing, and they saw the 'X' they planted last time they were there. In blood. They then saw 4 shovels lying next to it. They each picked one up.

Junior Prom 2019

Dylan then left the building and went after the guy. The other three went back to the dance getting ready to save their lives and everyone else's. They had taken guns from the safe to protect themselves.

The men then came barging in the doors and everybody looked petrified. Harley started shooting, followed by Carter and then Bri. They somehow managed to shoot all the men and not get hurt. Even know the rest of the pupils were severely injured, luckily none of them died.

As they went running outside to try and catch up to Dylan, they saw her lying on the ground bleeding.

"That dick shot me." I managed to hit him but as he got up, he got his gun out and pulled the trigger. He couldn't have gotten far. If we go quick, we can catch up to him." Dylan stated.

They then carried on walking.

"Uhm...You guys going to help me up or? Dylan asked sarcastically.

"Oh, right yep of course." They spoke.

They then jumped into Harley's car and tried to catch up with him. They managed to get close enough to him that they could see where he was going. He led them right into the forest.

Harley drove extremely quick to catch up to him that when he stopped, they all went flying.

"Owww". They screamed.

They then jumped out of the car and followed him through the forest. The guy was holding a bag of money in the middle of the forest. They all looked at him before attacking.

"Drop the money bitch." Dylan declared.

The guy then looked at them and pointed his gun at them. They were doing the same thing. The four of them started to move closer and closer to the guy and he walked closer to them. Harley then pounced at the guy, risking his life. He fell over and Harley landed on top of him.

Harley was then kneeling on the guy, causing him not to move. Dylan was stood behind Harley, pointing the gun at the man, getting ready to shoot. Harley then dramatically pulled the mask off, revealing their identity.

Their faces dropped. They then all gathered around and looked at him." Jake!" They yelled.

As Harley let him go, Jake carefully dropped the bag of money and he put his hands up in the air.

Jake is Harley's older brother. He has always beaten Harley at everything, and their parents were always so proud of him that it made Harley jealous. He is the favourite. And Harley's true enemy.

"I can't believe you. Why?" Harley queried.
Jake just stood there. Silent. He then let out a smirk. The same smirk that is always written on Harley's face.

"WHY?" He shouted in anger.

"ANSWER ME." Harley bellowed.

No reply.

Suddenly, Jake quickly put his hands down and reached into his pocket for his gun. Harley managed to catch this before it was too late. He then grabbed Dylan's gun from behind him and BANG!!! Jake was then lying on the floor hanging onto his life. Dylan, Brianna, and Carter started to form tears whilst Harley stood there showing no pain or mercy at all.

Present Day

They all looked at each other. Their faces bright red and wet from the tears they had been shedding. They all nodded and knew exactly what they had to do. They then started to dig.

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