Chapter 4: The Summer House

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Dylan had just witnessed her worst nightmare. Her and her ex best friends all in the same room together...ALONE. Harley was just stood there looking angry and if he wanted the beat the hell out of something. Then you had Bri flipping her hair back and 'ugh-in' and then you had Carter just starring at the boring ground scratching his arm.

When Dylan stepped out, they all looked at her as if she were the one behind the whole thing. Except from Carter. He didn't even look up.

"Don't flatter yourself. It's not like any of us want to be here either." Harley said with disgust.

Dylan just rolled her eyes like she always does.

"Ah-actually Harl..." Carter said nervously whilst being interrupted by Harley.

"Nobody asked for you input."

Dylan just shook her head angrily at Harley.

"Don't be so rude to him. Geez!" Dylan said sticking up for Carter.

"Why are you sticking up for him. You hate him? We all do." Harley questioned.

"Yeah you're right. But I hate you more and I can't stand bullying."

"OH MY GOD Dylan. You are supposed to be the 'bad girl'. You are the one who is meant to be bulling people." Harley shouted.

Dylan just turned around and sat on the steps that lead up to a summer house. Brianna was just standing there filing her nails trying not to laugh. Dylan then started to hit things to get rid of some of the anger. There was no one there which made them all confused. Who invited them? Was it one of the main four? Is this person going to kill us? Well the answer was no. But was it the other way around?

After just sitting there for roughly 30 minutes, they all heard a voice.

"Thank you all for joining me. I have asked you here today to help me find something. You will all work together as a team. I have given you a bunch of clues to help with what you are looking for. Your first clue is in the summer house, at the top of the backyard. You have until sunrise Monday morning to find what you are looking for. If you fail to find my possession or decide not to do what I'm asking, there will be deadly consequence. I will kill all of you and you're loved ones. So, chose wisely. The message was obviously a pre-recorded one and the voice was a robotic sound meaning the person wanted to stay anonymous. This made them think that they now the person behind it all.

They all just looked at each other with a terrified facial expression. They then all nodded at each other and they knew what to do. Well... not exactly.

"Yeah I'm outta here," Bri said very quickly. She then went to open the door to leave but Dylan quickly jumped in.

"You're not afraid, are you? Because if you are then tough luck. None of us can leave. It's a matter of life or death. Not only for us but for everyone we love. Besides I'm up for a good adventure and my weekends are pretty boring so. Dylan told them.

"Oh, come on Dyl. You don't love anyone. You don't even have a family. Just two arseholes that are drunk at home all the time. Harley exclaimed.

"Shut up. You know what happened to my family. They were murdered. In cold blood." Dylan replied angrily.

"But isn't that just what you are?" Harley asked smirking.

Dylan totally ignored him and changed the subject.

"Come on, we have to get the first clue." Dylan said sounding disappointed. They then all went up to the summer house to grab the first clue. They didn't even know what they were looking for. They all entered the summer house.

It was an exceedingly small, teal coloured summer house that looked like no one had been in it for years. It was very dusty, filled with cobwebs and there were loads of insects in there. On the wall was a post-it-note, just like from earlier, and on it was the words

'You may be concerned but just go to where you learn.'

They all examined the post-it-note before getting what it meant.

"The high school". They all said simultaneously.

When they arrived at the hospital, it was totally abandoned. No guards, janitors anything. It very dark and mysterious. Before they found their next 'clue' they had to find something else. The light switch.

After they turned all the lights back on, they could all see way better and it felt way less creepy. Their first note didn't clarify what they are exactly looking for, but they knew that they had to find out. They decided to split up and try and find another note or anything that could help them out. 

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