Chapter 2: The Note

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Dylan POV: It was the first day of senior year. We had been off from school for 2 months now and I didn't have to face anybody. Ah the good times. Now I must go into the building and look the people I hate the most in the eye and ignore them. Not have a massive go at how much I hate them, but act like they don't exist. At least this way there won't be any problems, and I'm more of a lone wolf
Dylan and the others haven't been friends since the beginning of summer. That was when it all happened. Dylan got used to it over the summer, but she didn't have to face them then. Now she does. And it frightened her.

    When she arrived at school, the lesson had already been going on for half an hour, so she just decided to go to the school's garden. Sacred garden. It had a beautiful waterfall and some of the most luscious flowers. Lilies, Bluebells, Tulips and Dylan's favourite, Roses.     

    Dylan would just lie in the grass within the flowers to clear her head. 'it was soothing and calming'. That is what she would say. The garden was off limits to students, but she obviously didn't care. Rules weren't important to her and she didn't care if she broke them. That was just her way of living. Luckily for her, she never got caught. By the time her first lessons had finished, she had to go to her locker.

    At her locker, she saw Bri. She was stood outside a classroom with her friends, in her cheerleading outfit laughing. She was horrible to Carter but that was only because of her narcissistic friends. You could see it on her face. It was the face of disappointment. She really cared for him. For all of them. It hurt her to see that he was hurting. Even though he didn't show it, Carter was really upset when people were mean to him. Especially his ex-best friends.

    As Dylan was standing in front of her locker, her and Bri made eye contact. Even though it only lasted for like a split second, it was like if she was trying to say something to Dylan. She didn't really know what to make of it, but it looked like she was trying to say to her that she is sorry or that she misses her. It probably wasn't that though.

   When Dylan opened her incredibly dull, looking locker, something fell out. It was a note. It was just a plain piece of paper with cut out letters and number from a newspaper. She thought it was kind of weird at first, But Dylan is very curious about these types of things, so she read it.

CoME tO This AddRESS



aT 6pm

After Dylan read the note, she had no intention of going to that address on Friday. She didn't even know who sent it. But the thing about Dylan is that she gets suspicious very easily. That address was the address of a mansion. Why would someone send her to a mansion?  I guess she never found out. Or did she?  Dylan quickly put the note in her back pocket and closed her locker.

      Just after the bell rang, Dylan saw Brianna looking at her again and then she smiled, turned to her friend, and laughed. Dylan wasn't surprised. Dylan then ran off to her next class.

     While she was running to her next class, she bumped into someone causing them to drop their books. It was Carter. She saw how it was him and even though she was supposed to be ignoring him, she couldn't just leave him there, so she helped him picked up his books and nodded at him.

"Th-thanks Dylan."  Carter said nervously.

Dylan didn't reply she just awkwardly smiled at him and walked away. The thing was, was that it was all Harley's idea to never talk about what happened and that they shouldn't speak to one another, so it really didn't help when he saw Dylan and Carter's little interaction. This was about to cause some serious problems.

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